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® 003 <br />e00 v% 18 PAGE 431 <br />for lots off of an easement for persons with handicaps, (3) the possibility of increasing <br />the number of lots on an easement, and (4) not to count tracts of land over ten acres in <br />the calculation of the number of lots allowed on an easement. Planning staff and the <br />Planning Board realizes that the request for additional lots on casements primarily <br />comes from grandparents and parents wishing to give their children a lot. She stated that <br />the Planning Board discussed this consideration in depth and they wished to develop an <br />exceptional or special use provision to allow a means for a "family subdivision." This <br />provision would allow a family member to receive a lot in such situations where the <br />maximum number of three (3) lots or more have already been plated along a given <br />easement. The Planning Board felt that this approach would take care of most of the <br />individuals that were requesting lots on easements. Planning Board members have <br />directed staff to develop the exceptional approach for the special use or "family <br />subdivision" and report back to them at their next meeting later this month. She stated <br />that the Planning Board has voted to recommend that the Board of Commissioners <br />amend the County Zoning Ordinance to provide for "family subdivisions" as an <br />exceptional use to be considered by the Planning Board, acting in a quasi-judicial <br />capacity to the Lee County Board of Adjustments. The amendment could include a list <br />of items to be provided for consideration by the Board, including but not limited to time <br />limits, the use of current definition for "immediate family", perpetual means and width <br />of access, perpetual maintenance of access, and any pertinent information as they deem <br />necessary. She stated that the Planning Board also recommended that the minimal lot <br />size of three (3) acres be reduced to reflect the minimal lot size required by the respected <br />zoning districts. After much discussion, Commissioner Adams moved to deny the <br />recommendation of the Planning Board until more detailed information is received. <br />After further discussion, Commissioner Adams withdrew his motion. The <br />Commissioners asked Planning staff to supply them with information concerning the <br />main issues in this matter and a detailed explanation on what can be done to eliminate <br />the problem. No action was taken on the matter. <br />Chairman Hincks opened a public hearing that had been advertised for this date <br />and time to hear comments concerning the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) <br />application to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Senior <br />Services Director Debbie Davidson told the Board that the grant would be used to fund <br />the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Program, Work First/Employment <br />Transportation Program, and the Rural General Public Transportation Program. <br />No one other than Mrs. Davidson spoke in favor of the proposed application. <br />No one spoke in opposition to the proposed application. <br />Chairman Hincks closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Paschal moved to approve the Rural Operating Assistance <br />Program application as presented. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />3 <br />