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2}b <br />Econ 1$ i-,CE 569 <br />02`? <br />EXHIBIT "A" TO LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN LEE COUNTY AS LESSOR AND STATE <br />EMPLOYEES' CREDIT UNION AS LESSEE DATED JULY 17, 2001 <br />DESCRIPTION FOR ATM SITE <br />Beginning at the northeasterly comer of the lot on which the Lee County Courthouse is <br />situate and running thence as the westerly line of South Homer Boulevard South 57 degrees 37 <br />minutes 26 seconds East 45 feet to a point; thence South 32 degrees 22 minutes 34 seconds West 57 <br />feet to a point; thence North 57 degrees 37 minutes 26 seconds West 45 feet to a point in the <br />northerly line of said lot; thence with the northerly line of said lot, North 32 degrees 22 minutes 34 <br />seconds East to the point of Beginning, and being the same and identical parcel depicted on the <br />sketch hereto attached. <br />Page I of Exhibit "A" <br />