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2002 - 09-16-02 Regular Meeting
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2002 - 09-16-02 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
2/26/2009 12:07:45 PM
Creation date
2/26/2009 12:07:10 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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0 B00„ L9 NCE <br />Chairman Hincks asked Mr. Harrington to have a letter prepared for consideration at the <br />next meeting scheduled for October 7, 2002. <br />Joel Cline from the National Weather Service Forecast Office presented Emergency <br />Management Director Warren Lee with an official notification letter and two highway <br />signs for completing all certification requirements of the National Weather Service <br />"StormReady" Program. <br />The board considered mobile advertising for COLTS vans. Trevor Kracker of <br />Highet Kracker Graphic Design discussed with the board mobile transit billboards that <br />would allow advertisers to target many different geographic areas or demographic groups <br />with a selling message, resulting in a greater reach to the total market area. He told the <br />board that approximately 30 counties across the state are using these mobile billboards. <br />According to Mr. Kracker, Lee County would receive 40% of leased rental space for the <br />first year, 50% the second year and 60% during the third year. Senior Services Director <br />Debbie Davidson stated that the Department of Transportation has recommended that <br />counties use these mobile billboards to assist with added revenue. After some discussion, <br />Commissioner Matthews moved to approve the agreement with Highet Kracker Graphic <br />Design as presented. After further discussion, Chairman Hincks amended the motion to <br />approve the agreement upon approval of the County Attorney. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Sauls <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The board considered a request from the Sanford-Lee County Rescue Squad to <br />implement a countywide rescue tax. Rescue Chief Pat Garner told the board that the <br />Rescue Squad has reached a most disheartening dilemma due to not having sound financial <br />support for their program. He told the board that under the present financial condition they <br />could no longer afford the overhead expenses of running the department. He stated they if <br />they could not gain sound financial support, either from Lee County or from other sources, <br />they can no longer continue to provide the service. Mr. Garner gave the board the <br />following facts concerning the department (1) the current rescue vehicles are sub-standard <br />and in need of major repairs, (2) the electricity to their building has been cut off two times <br />in the last four months because they could not afford to pay the monthly charge, (3) the <br />department's Worker's Comprehensive insurance has lapsed on all members because they <br />cannot afford to pay the annual charge, (4) rescue vehicles are being fueled by members <br />because they have no funds for fuel, (5) the vehicle, building, and malpractice insurance is <br />about to lapse due to lack of funds, and (6) the department is severely below average as <br />compared with rescue squads across the State of North Carolina not because of training or <br />call volume, but because of lack of funding. He told the board that $5,000 was <br />appropriated from the county for FY 2002-2003 and a quarterly payment of $1,250.00 had <br />been received. Mr. Garner asked that the board consider implementing a countywide <br />rescue tax to fund rescue services in Lee County. After some discussion, Commissioner <br />3 <br />
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