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C;un 18 F,"" F 7 2 9 <br />COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />ANIMAL CONTROL SHELTER <br />CAPTIAL PROJECT BUDGET ORDINANCE <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners that the following budget for <br />the ANIMAL CONTROL SHELTER is hereby approved and adopted: <br />Section 1: The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the Animal Control Shelter <br />for the period February 1, 2002 to February 28, 2004, according to the following schedule and <br />summary. <br />Section 2: That for said project period there is hereby appropriated the following: <br />REVENUE <br />SOURCE AMOUNT <br />Transfer from General Fund $305,000 <br />TOTAL PROJECT REVENUES $ 305,000 <br />EXPENSE <br />SOURCE AMOUNT <br />Land $ 30,000 <br />Construction 250,082 <br />Sewer 10,675 <br />Contingency 14,243 <br />TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES $ 305,000 <br />Section 3. Copies of this budget shall be f imished to the Finance Officer of Lee County, <br />North Carolina, to be kept on file for direction in collection of revenue and expenditures of <br />amounts appropriated. <br />ADOPTED this 4`s day of February, 2002. <br />Attest: <br />yn ll . Lee, Clerk to the oard <br />Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />009 <br />