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Ole <br />eco' 1-8 'dGF 738 <br />Organization (RPO) and the responsibility for making recommendations to <br />the Rural Transportation Advisory Committee regarding any necessary <br />actions relating to the continuing transportation planning process. <br />1. The TTC shall be responsible for development, review and <br />recommendation for approval of the Transportation Planning Prospectus for <br />the RPO, the Transportation Improvement Plan, and revisions to the <br />Transportation Plan for the RPO. <br />2. Membership of the Transportation Technical Committee shall include <br />technical representatives from all local and state governmental agencies <br />directly related to and concerned with the transportation planning process <br />for the RPO Planning Area. Initially, the membership shall include, but may <br />not be limited to, the following: <br />A. County Manager and County Planner (if designated) from each of the <br />counties in the RPO Planning Areas. <br />B. The Chief Administrative Official or Planner (as designated) from each <br />municipality of 1000 population or more in the RPO Planning Area. <br />C. Transportation Planner, Triangle J Council of Governments. <br />D. the Division Engineer, or designated representative, for each Highway <br />Division of the North Carolina Department of Transportation that <br />serves the RPO Planning Areas. <br />E. Manager, Statewide Planning Branch, Planning and Environment, North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation, or designated representative. <br />F. Area Traffic Engineer, Division of Highways, Traffic Engineering Branch, <br />North Carolina Department of Transportation. <br />3. The Transportation Technical Committee shall meet when it is deemed <br />appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote of its membership, <br />the Transportation Technical Committee shall appoint a member of the <br />committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordinating the <br />committee's activities. Membership of the Transportation Technical <br />5 <br />