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BGOX ~8 P~GF 736 <br />the Rural Transportation Planning Organization will be coordinated by the <br />Triangle J Council of Governments, an agency selected on behalf of <br />participating local governments and the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation to be the administrative entity and serve as the lead planning <br />agency for coordinating transportation planning in the RPO Planning Areas. <br />It is hereby further agreed that the participating local governments shall <br />provide the local matching funds necessary to obtain state funding for the <br />Rural Transportation Planning Organization. <br />Section 3. Establishment of Rural Transportation Advisory Committee <br />RTAC . A Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) is hereby <br />established with the responsibility for serving as a forum for cooperative <br />transportation planning decision making for the Rural Transportation <br />Planning Organization (RPO). The Rural Transportation Advisory Committee <br />(RTAC) shall have the responsibility for keeping the policy boards informed <br />of the status and requirements of the transportation planning process; <br />assisting in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, <br />and policies of the policy boards; and helping to ensure meaningful public <br />participation in the transportation planning process. <br />1. The Rural Transportation Advisory Committee will be responsible for <br />carrying out the following: <br />A. Establishment of goals and objectives for the transportation planning <br />process. <br />B. Endorsement, review and approval of changes to adopted <br />Transportation Plans for the Rural Transportation Planning <br />Organization. <br />C. Endorsement, review and approval of a Prospectus for Transportation <br />Planning which defines work tasks and responsibilities for the various <br />agencies participating in the Rural Transportation Planning <br />Organization. <br />3 <br />