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0 0 <br />L iJU1 _L P~GP 735 <br />Transportation in complying with the provisions of the Transportation Equity <br />Act for the 2152 Century (TEA 21), enacted June 9, 1998, relative to the <br />participation of local officials and the public in the transportation planning <br />process; and <br />Whereas, It is the desire of these local governments and agencies to <br />establish a Continuing, Comprehensive, Cooperative Transportation Planning <br />Process with the establishment of a Rural Transportation Planning <br />Organization for the Region J Planning Area; the following memorandum of <br />understanding is made. <br />Section 1. Establishment of Rural Transportation Planning Organization. It <br />is hereby agreed, that the Counties of Chatham, Johnston, Lee, Moore and <br />Orange, and the Municipalities contained therein (excluding Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro and Hillsborough), and the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation intend to establish and participate in a Rural Transportation <br />Planning Organization created for the general purposes and responsibilities <br />outlined in the following: <br />1. Develop long-range local and regional multimodal transportation plans in <br />cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Transportation. <br />2. Provide a forum for public participation in the transportation planning <br />process. <br />3. Develop and prioritize suggestions for transportation projects the Rural <br />Transportation Planning Organization believes should be included in the <br />State's Transportation Improvement Program. <br />4. Conduct transportation-related studies and surveys and provide <br />transportation-related information to local governments and other <br />interested organizations and persons. <br />5. Undertake mutually agreed upon transportation-related tasks to enhance <br />transportation system development, coordination and efficiency. <br />Section 2. Administration and Funding. It is hereby further agreed that <br />transportation plans and programs and land use policies and programs for <br />01.5 <br />2 <br />