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6u0X ~9 PdI.E <br />Attachment °A° <br />LEE COUNTY <br />PROPOSALFOR <br />CDBG ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES <br />Part One: Technical Approach/Project Schedule <br />Scope of Work <br />Immediately upon award of contract, CMR Services will perform a detailed evaluation of <br />the Lee County Scattered Site Project for the purpose of identifying any work necessary <br />to bring the County in compliance with all State or Federal requirements. Following the <br />evaluation CMR will begin to take steps to implement the Lee County Project in <br />accordance with applicable regulations and schedules. This work will include but is not <br />limited to the following activities: <br />o Survey of the existing program documentation to identify and correct any <br />deficiencies in program policies and or start up activities. We will review the <br />County's policy package as adopted for the project, activities conducted for the <br />purpose of obtaining the release of funds, the Environmental Review Record, <br />Section 504, Fair Housing, Section 3 and EEOP, and other administrative issues <br />as applicable. It is anticipated that the County has fallen somewhat behind in <br />terms of Fair Housing activities. We will take the necessary steps to get the Fair <br />Housing implementation back on track and will implement the quarterly activities <br />identified in the Fair Housing Plan throughout the remainder of the project. <br />o Survey of the beneficiary applications to confirm that each applicant was properly <br />processed in accordance with Lee County's assistance policy. We will check <br />income verifications, title work, LBP assessments, historical property status and <br />other pertinent documentation. <br />o Survey individual case files to ensure that all required documentation is in place. <br />We will correct any deficiencies noted and maintain case files throughout the <br />remainder of the project. <br />o CMR will prepare notices to be sent to program beneficiaries and applicants to <br />inform them of the change in administration. These notices will include specific <br />contact information that will allow beneficiaries and applicants to contact CMR <br />Services personnel directly with any questions or concerns that they might have. <br />Upon review and approval by the County we will send out these notices. In <br />addition we will send out similar notices to contractors registered with the County <br />and other interested parties. <br />o CMR will review the status of application processing and will continue this <br />process as necessary to qualify beneficiaries as needed to obligate the remaining <br />