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19 0 <br />Government to assure proper accounting for all project funds, both Federal and non-Federal shares. <br />These records will be made available for audit purposes to the Local Government or any duly <br />authorized representative of the Local Government, to the U.S. Department of HUD and to the <br />Comptroller General of the United States. Such records will be retained for a period of three (3) <br />years after the expiration of this contract. <br />it. FINDINGS CONFIDENTIAL: All of the reports, information, data and other such <br />material prepared or assembled by CMR Services, Inc. may not be released to any individual or <br />organization without the prior written approval of the Local Government because of the confidential <br />nature of some of the information. The Local Government shall have the exclusive right to <br />determine what, if any, such information is public information and may be made available to any <br />such requesting individual or organization. <br />12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: CMR Services, Inc. covenant and agree that they presently <br />have no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, in the target area or any parcels <br />therein or any other interest which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of <br />this contract. Furthermore, no person having any interest shall be employed by or have any other <br />business connection with CMR Services, Inc.. No elected or appointed official of the Local <br />Government nor any of its employees shall participate in any decision relating to this contract which <br />affects his/her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which <br />he/she is directly or indirectly interested; nor shall any member, officer, agent or employee of the <br />Local Government have any interest direct or indirect in this contract or the proceeds thereof. <br />13. OSECTION 3" - COMPLIANCE IN THE PROVISION OF TRAINING, <br />EMPLOYMENT, AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES <br />a. The work to be performed under this contract is on a project assisted under a program <br />providing direct Federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development (HUD) and is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968, as <br />amended, 12 U.S. Consultant. 1701u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible <br />opportunities for training and employment be given lower income residents of the project area and <br />contracts for work in connection with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located <br />in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the area of the project. <br />b. The parties to this contract will comply with the provisions of said Section 3 and the <br />regulations issued pursuant thereto by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development set forth in <br />24 CFR 135, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department issued thereunder prior to the <br />execution of this contract. The parties to this contract certify and agree that they are under no <br />contractual or other disability which would prevent them from complying with these requirements. <br />C. CMR Services, Inc. will send to each labor organization or representative of workers with <br />which CMR Services, Inc. has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, <br />if any, a notice advising the said labor organization or workers representative of his commitments <br />under this Section 3 clause and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to <br />employees and applicants for employment and training. <br />