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BUN 19 P~AcF 69 <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF LEE <br />AGREEMENT FOR <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />OF SCATTERED SITE <br />HOUSING PROJECT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 12th day of November, 2003, by and <br />between, Lee County herein and after referred to as the Local Government and CMR Services, <br />Inc., a North Carolina Corporation located in Kannapolis, North Carolina. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, CMR Services, Inc. has expertise in response to the request pertaining to same; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Local Government and CMR Services, Inc. desire to memorialize CMR <br />Services, Inc.'s proposal and award of the contract, <br />NOW THEREFORE, the Local Government and CMR Services, Inc. agree as follows: <br />1. SCOPE OF SERVICES: CMR Services, Inc. agrees to provide and perform for the Local <br />Government all of those services stipulated in the Scope of Services attached to this contract as <br />Exhibit "A" and which is hereby incorporated as a part of this contract as if fully set forth herein. <br />2. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES: In the provision of the aforementioned services, <br />CMR Services, Inc. shall receive compensation in the form of: (1) a fixed fee in the amount of <br />$ 21,000 . This fee shall be paid to CMR Services, Inc. in accordance with Section 3 below. Any <br />different or additional Scope of Services approved and authorized by the Local Government in <br />advance shall be compensated when authorized in accordance with the terms agreed to by both <br />parties in a formally executed Contract Addendum. <br />3. METHOD OF PAYMENT CMR Services, Inc. shall prepare and submit to the Local <br />Government an invoice statement for fee stated in Section 2 above along with a status report. The <br />Local Government shall compensate CMR Services, Inc. for services satisfactorily performed within <br />fourteen (14) days of the date of said invoice statement. <br />4. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR CAUSE: If CMR Services, Inc. shall fail to <br />fulfill in a timely, professional and proper manner all obligations under this contract, or should CMR <br />Services, Inc. violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the Local <br />Government shall have the right to terminate this contract immediately by giving written notice to <br />CMR Services, Inc. of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. In a like manner, <br />CMR Services, Inc. shall have the right to terminate this contract immediately by giving written <br />notice to the Local Government of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof. In <br />