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2003 - 12-15-03 Regular Meeting
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2003 - 12-15-03 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
2/26/2009 11:11:49 AM
Creation date
2/26/2009 11:10:01 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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0 E}COZ 19 CaCF 691 <br />either party notifies the other party in writing 30 days prior to the expiration of the term <br />of his desire to terminate this contract, in which case the term shall end as scheduled. <br />4) Time of Performance <br />Contractor shall have gate open for delivery of scrap tires Monday thru Thursday from <br />8:00 am to 4:30 pin and on Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. The exception shall include <br />Saturday, Sunday, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Good Friday, <br />Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the day <br />after Christmas. <br />5) Invoices <br />The Contractor shall invoice the County monthly for scrap tires collected and transported <br />since the previous invoice. Each invoice shall be according to the fees per Section 6 and <br />the applicable weight tickets. Each invoice shall include a dated listing of the loads <br />collected and transported indicating the weight per load, and the load origin. <br />6) Collection Disposal Fees <br />The County shall pay Contractor, for the work described in Section 2, including <br />processing and transportation of all passenger and truck tires, the sum of $50.00 per ton <br />for tires delivered to Contractor's gate and $59.00 per ton for tires picked up by <br />Contractor at lire dealers. <br />In the event of a discrepancy between Contractor and County records, such invoice shall <br />be paid less the amount of the discrepancy. A notice of discrepancy with supporting <br />documentation shall be promptly sent to Contractor and the two parties shall reconcile <br />records and invoices at the earliest possible date. Such reconciliation shall be reflected <br />on the next invoice from Contractor. <br />7) Termination <br />This contract may be terminated according to either of the following provisions: <br />a) Default: If either party hereto deems the other party hereto to be in default of <br />any provision hereof, the claiming party shall provide notice in writing to the <br />defaulting party of said default. If said defaulting party fails to correct the <br />default within twenty (20) working days from the date of notice, the other <br />party may terminate this Contract immediately. In case of such termination <br />the party terminating this contract shall forthwith give the other party written <br />notice of such termination. <br />b) Mutual Agreement: This Contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of <br />the parties hereto, at any time. <br />
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