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0 6G0~ 19 0 <br />Pz'P 657 <br />combination thereof, whether occupied or vacant, or which in fad is used for such human habitation, <br />whether or not such use is regular or intermittent or authorized or unauthorized. Such definition shall <br />include accessory building, but shall not include temporary housing as herein defined. <br />Edt shall mean a clear and unobstructed way of departure from the interior of a building or structure <br />to the exterior at street or grade level. <br />Extermination shall mean the control and elimination of insects, rodents or other pests by eliminating <br />their harborage places; by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food; by <br />poisoning, spraying, frmigating, trapping or any other recognized and legal pest elimination methods <br />approved by the inspector. <br />Family is an individual, two or more persons related by blood, marriage or law, or a group of not <br />more than any five persons living together in a dwelling unit. <br />Garbage shall mean the animal and vegetable refuse resulting from the bandlmg, preparation, cooking <br />and consumption of food, including the minimum amount of liquid necessarily incidental thereto. <br />Habitable space or room means a room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for living, <br />sleeping, cooking, or eating purposes, excluding bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries, pantries, <br />foyers, communicating corridors, closets, or storage spaces. <br />Hearing Officer shall be the Code Enforcement Supervisor or his designated agent. <br />Housing (See Dwelling) <br />Impervious to water (as to floors) means a clean, smooth floor, without cracks or holes, made of <br />terrazzo, ceramic, asphalt or rubber file, smooth concrete, linoleum or other similar material, or made of <br />wood, and, if made of wood, then with tightly fitting joints, covered with varnish, lacquer or other similar <br />water-resistant coating- <br />Infestation shall mean the presence within or around housing of any insects, rodents or other pests in <br />such numbers as to constitute a threat or deterioration to the housing or a hazard to the health or physical <br />well-being of the occupants. <br />Inspector shall mean the Code Enforcement Supervisor or any agent or employee whose assigned <br />duties include the enforcement of provisions of ihis code. <br />Multifamily housing shall mean it building or structure occupied or intended for occupancy as the <br />home or residence of more than two (2) families, living independently of each other, and doing their own <br />cooking within their respective housing units. <br />Occupant shall mean any person over one (1) year of age, living, sleeping cooking or eating in, or <br />having actual possession of, a dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit. <br />Owner includes a holder of any legal or equitable estate in the premises, whether alone or jointly with <br />others, and whether in possession or not. <br />Parties ofintere-vt means all individuals, associations, partnerships, corporations, and others who have <br />interest in a dwelling and any who are in possession or control thereof as agent of the owner, as executor, <br />executrix, administrator, administratrix, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner. Any such person <br />thus representing the actual owner shall be bound to comply with the provisions of this article and of rules <br />and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, to the same extent as if he was the owner. <br />Person shall me:ar and include any individual, firm, corporation, association or partnership_ <br />