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0 0 <br />non 9 PAGE 559 <br />4) Pursuant to NCGS 143-215.54, new solid waste disposal facilities, are prohibited in the 100- <br />year floodplain except as authorized under NCGS § 143-215.54A(b), as amended. <br />5) Ingress to and egress from solid waste facilities shall be permitted by roads to serve only the solid <br />waste facilities. Such roads shall be designed and constructed to North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation Secondarv Road Standards. Roadway design shall allow a weight limit of nineteen <br />thousand (19,000) pounds per axle, and shall intersect directly with a state maintained toad. <br />Approach and departure traffic routes for a solid waste facility shall not be permitted through local <br />streets or any other system of streets primarily intended to provide access to residences in a <br />neighborhood. <br />0) A non-climbable security fence at least seven (7) feet in height shall be installed around all <br />portions of solid waste facilities directly involved in the storage, handling, and disposal of solid <br />waste. <br />7) All buildings or structures used for the storage, treatment, processing, recycling, collecdon, <br />recovery, or disposal of solid waste shall be located at least Five hundred (500) feet from any exterior <br />property line when such property line abuts a residential zoning district. <br />8) The hours of operation shall be united from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except that the hours of <br />operation may be extended when the Department of CommunitY Development certifies that <br />sanitation conditions require an extension of operating hours. <br />9) Municipal solid waste landfills shall be covered in accordance with the "Solid Waste 1V1211agement <br />Rules" of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Division of Health Services, or <br />successor agency, 10 NCAC Subchapter IOG, as amended periodically. <br />10) Exterior lighting shall not cause illumination in excess of one (1) foot-candle at any property <br />line; except that internally illuminated signs at the enrrance to the landfill may exceed this standard <br />where necessary. <br />Submittal Requirements <br />An application for development approval shall include the information submitted to the <br />Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the permitting of a solid waste management <br />facilkv.' <br />Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. <br />Upon a motion made by Commissioner Herb Hincka , this Ordinance was <br />duly adopted this the 15th day of September 1 2003. <br />Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />