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0 ©G-O-X 19 picE 534 <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for August 2003 (copy attached) <br />• Incentive prize for the 2003 United Way Campaign <br />• Permission for Sheriff's Office to receive a Local Law Enforcement Block <br />Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance in the amount of 58,252 <br />• Approval for Social Services to fill Human Service Coordinator position <br />in Day Care Unit <br />• Approval to fill a vacant Public Health Nurse I position and a Medical <br />Records Assistant III position in the Health Department <br />• Approval for the Health Department to receive 513,380 for Public Health <br />Preparedness <br />• Approval for the Health Department to receive S12,000 in State TB funds <br />Approval for the Health Department to receive 58,343 in TANF funds <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board discussed a Minimum Housing Code for Lee County. Community <br />Development Director Bob Bridwell and City of Sanford Code Enforcement Supervisor <br />Carl Anglin discussed with the Board a proposed Minimum Housing Code. Mr. Bridwell <br />told the Board the code presented is similar to what the City of Sanford uses for code <br />enforcement. After some discussion, Commissioner Adams moved that the Board hold a <br />public hearing on this matter at the October 20, 2003, meeting. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nav: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered the purchase of two (2) Kenwood radios for the Sheriffs <br />Office. Commissioner Lemmond and Domestic Investigator James Estes discussed with <br />the Board the purchase of one (1) Kenwood 50-watt, 128 channel VHF radio to be placed <br />in the dispatcher's office at the Sheriffs Office and one (1) 5-watt, 160 channel portable <br />VHF radio for Detective Kevin Bryant's automobile. Mr. Estes told the Board that the <br />equipment was needed so Detective Bryant could communicate with volunteer fire <br />departments when he is called out to investigate fire scenes. The approximate cost of all <br />radio equipment would be 53,301.10 and will be paid from Emergency Management <br />funds. After some discussion, Commissioner Lemmond moved to approve the purchase <br />of the following from Fleet Connect, Durham, North Carolina: <br />One (1) Kenwood 50-Nvatt, 128 channel VHF radio with <br />alphanumeric display <br />One (1) Astron control station, 12 volt power supply <br />