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KOK 9 RGE $1 <br />Bridwell told the Board that the City of Sanford has had minimum standards for housing <br />for the past twenty (20) years and it is hard to enforce at times. He stated that the Board <br />of Commissioners would need to adopt an ordinance if they wished to enforce minimum <br />standards for housing in the County. After some discussion, Commissioner Matthews <br />moved that Mr. Bridwell draft an ordinance for the Planning Board to make a <br />recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Lemmond introduced Dr. Steven Gill, Executive Director of the <br />Lee County Partnership for Children. Dr. Gill invited the Board to an open house and <br />ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Resource Library on Steele Street, on Wednesday, <br />September 3, 2003, from 4:00 - 7:00 P.M. <br />The Board considered water issues. Commissioner Stevens discussed an earlier <br />decision from the last Board meeting where the Board voted to pay 50% of the meter <br />installation for water lines in the county water district and 50% of flushing county water <br />lines. Mrs. Stevens stated that she had studied the water flushing issue and discussed the <br />matter with the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA). After some discussion, <br />Commissioner Stevens moved to pay the City of Sanford 75% for the flushing of 61 <br />water meters in the Water District and not pay any cost associated with the annual <br />flushing of the city system that is required by the State. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reives discussed with the Board mandatory water hookups. After <br />some discussion, County Manager William Cowan told the Board that he would bring a <br />recommendation to the. Water & Sewer District Board to draft an ordinance requiring <br />mandatory hookup to all new water customers if their property is within certain footage <br />of the water line. Those customers would also be required to pay a pro rata share of that <br />debt. No action was taken on the matter. <br />The Board considered ratifying a Lease Agreement with Brick Capital <br />Community Development Corporation. County Attorney told the Board that a Lease <br />Agreement with Brick Capital Community Development had previously been approved <br />for the Wicker School Project. He stated that during the budget process, rent and footage <br />for a new dental clinic had been discussed and Health Director Mike Hanes had reviewed <br />the Agreement. Brick Capital Community Development notified Mr. Hoyle they had to <br />3 <br />