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0 0 <br />b5oX i.9 N(H 447 <br />Aye: Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Adams and Matthews <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a contract with the City of Sanford for fire inspections and <br />fire investigation services. Sanford City Manager Leonard Barefoot told the Board that <br />the Sanford City Counsel had approved a contract for 577,000 for fire inspection services <br />and $6,000 for up to 120 man-hours of fire investigation services. Any additional <br />services would be provided upon request at a rate of $50.00 per man-hour of service <br />rendered. County Manager William Cowan told the Board that $17,000 had been <br />appropriated and approved in the FY 2003-04 Budget based on an agreement between <br />Mr. Barefoot and Chairman Hincks prior to approval of the budget. After much <br />discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to approve a contract with the City of Sanford <br />to pay $17,000 for fire inspection services for Lee County and not contract with the City <br />for arson investigation services. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Adams and Matthews <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered bids for sewer and road improvements to be constructed at <br />the new Lee County Industrial Park. Project Manager Jeremy Thomas with Dixon <br />Gibson nrs consultants, inc. told the Board that his office recommended the bid for the <br />sewer project be awarded to Sanford Contractors, Inc. with a total Iurnp sum bid of <br />S1,251,108, for general contract plus alternate no. 1. Mr. Thomas told the Board that Lee <br />County has approximately 512,450,00 in bond money dedicated to the construction of <br />this project. He further stated that the project would include (1) gravity sewer from the <br />Industrial Park side of US 91 to the new pump station, (2) pump station located southeast <br />of the Colon Road/US #1 interchange, and (3) force main between the new pump station <br />and the existing pump station off Rhyne Drive. If any bond money remains after <br />completion of the general contract and alternate no. 1, a portion of alternate no. 1 (further <br />extend gravity sewer into the Park) may be constructed. Mr. Thomas stated that upon the <br />bid opening, the apparent low bidder was Mecklenburg Utilities, Inc., Oxford, North <br />Carolina. However, it was found that the sum of their unit costs totaled $792,722, close <br />to $140,000 more than their lump sum total quote of $653,000. Upon coordination with <br />the County Attorney, Mecklenburg Utilities was presented the option to honor the lump <br />sum bid of $653,0000 or withdraw their bid based on a clerical error and have their bid <br />bond returned. Mecklenburg Utilities chose to withdraw their bid. Other bids received <br />were from the following: <br />Sandhills Contractors, Sanford <br />Bunn Olive Grading, Apex <br />Billings & Garrett Corp., Raleigh <br />4 <br />