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CGOX 10 wE 4170 <br />CITY OF SANFORD WATER SHORTAGE ORDINANCE JULY 30, 2003 <br />5. "Rationing," as the term is used in this ordinance, shall mean procedures <br />approved by the Sanford City Council to provide for the equitable <br />distribution of critically limited water supplies, in order to balance demand <br />and limited available supplies, and to assure that sufficient water is <br />available to preserve public health and safety. <br />6. "Water Supply," as the term is used in this ordinance, shall mean the body <br />of water from which the City of Sanford obtains water for treatment and <br />subsequent distribution into the potable water supply system. <br />7. "Treated Water," as the tern is used in this ordinance, shall mean that <br />water has been withdrawn from an approved source and has been <br />processed by the City of Sanford Water Treatment Plant. <br />8. "Fresh Water," as the term is used in this ordinance, shall mean water <br />withdrawn from surface or groundwater that has not been previously used. <br />9. "Contamination," as the term is used in this ordinance, shall mean the <br />addition to any reservoir, storage tank, or distribution system any material <br />that appears in an above-normal concentration or has high nuisance or <br />harmful effect on the User or the system. <br />10-"Water Shortage," as the tern is used in this ordinance, shall mean that <br />conditions exist when the demands and requirements of Users served by <br />the City of Sanford water distribution system cannot be satisfied without <br />depleting the available supply of treated water, or the available water <br />supply to or below a critical level. i.e., the level at which the continued <br />availability of water for human consumption, sanitation, and fire <br />protection is jeopardized. Conditions contributing to a water shortage may <br />include but are not limited to the following: <br />1. Water supplies are below the level necessary to meet demand; <br />2. Water quality has been threatened due to a contamination situation; <br />3. Power outages or equipment malfunction; <br />4. Peak customer demands on the water system: <br />5. Inability to maintain adequate pressure and/or water supply <br />throughout every portion of the City of Sanford water distribution <br />system; <br />6. Natural disasters. <br />11. "Water Use Classes." as the term is used in this ordinance, shall be <br />established as follows: <br />7/15/03 Page 2 of 12 <br />