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Budget Ordinance, Fiscai ear 2003-04 <br />County of Lee, North Carolina "lj9 ric y2, <br />June 23, 2003 <br />Page 11 <br />SECTION 28. It is estimated that the following revenues will he available to the <br />West Sanford Fire Department during the Fiscal Year beginning July I, 2003 and ending <br />on June 30. 2004: <br />West Sanford District "faxes 50.348 <br />SECTION 29. The following amounts arc hereby appropriated to the Lemon <br />Springs Fire Department for the Fiscal Year beginning .tiny I, 2003 and ending on little <br />30.2004: <br />Lemon Springs Fire Department 145,279 <br />SECTION 30. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available to the <br />Lemon Springs Fire Department during the Fiscal Year beginning .tiny I, 2003 and <br />ending on June 30, 2004: <br />Lemon Springs District Taxes 141,279 <br />Fund Balance 4.000 <br />TOTAL 145 279 <br />SECTION 31. '1 lie following amounts arc hereby appropriated to the Tramway <br />Fire Department for the Fiscal Year beginning July I, 2003 and ending on June 30, 2004: <br />Tramway Fire Department 136.360 <br />SECTION 32. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available to the <br />Tramway Fire Department during the Fiscal Ycar beginniue July I, 2003 and ending on <br />June 30, 2004: <br />Tramway District Taxes 133.360 <br />Fund Balance 3.000 <br />TOTAL 136.360 <br />SECTION 33. l he following amounts are hereby appropriated to the Deep River <br />Fire Department for the Fiscal Year beginning July I, 2003 and ending on .Iune 30, 2004: <br />Deep River Fire Department 103.600 <br />