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Budget Ordinance, Fisca 'ear 2003-04 <br />County of Lee, North Carolina C 0~( w ,rr 4`2 <br />June 23, 2003 <br />Page 9 <br />SECTION 16. It is estimated that the following revenue will be available to the <br />Emergency Telephone System Fund Tor the Fiscal Year beginning July 1. 2003 and <br />ending on June 30. 2004: <br />E-911 Surcharge 319,791 <br />E-911 Wireless Funds 22.050 <br />TOTAL 341.571 <br />SECTION 17. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Airport Tax <br />Revenue Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning JUIVI. 1 2003 and ending on June 30, 2004: <br />Airport Operations 21,361 <br />SECTION 18. It is estimated that the following revenue will be available to the <br />Airport Tax Revenue Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July I, 2003 and ending on June <br />30, 2004: <br />Ad Valorem Taxes 21.361 <br />SECTION 19. The following amounts are hereby appropriated to the Carolina <br />Trace Fire Department for the Fiscal Year beginning July t, 2003 and ending on tune 30, <br />2004: <br />Carolina Trace Pocket Fire Department 90,470 <br />SECTION 20. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available to the <br />Carolina Trace Fire Department during the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2003 and ending <br />on June 30, 2004: <br />Carolina -['race District Taxes 89.470 <br />Fund Balance 1.000 <br />TOTAL 90.470 <br />SECTION 21. The following amounts are hereby appropriated to the Northview <br />Fire Department for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2003 and ending on June 30, 2004: <br />Northview Fire Department 293,675 <br />