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0 5G0 N 19 mE u$_.,rj <br />• Bid from J. C. Johnson Construction in the amount of $42,000 to separate <br />distribution system from the Gold Kist water plant (copy attached) <br />• Bid from Carolina Pools in the amount of $59,550 for replacement of <br />equipment at O. T. Sloan Pool (copy attached) <br />• Bids from Earl Thomas Grading in the amount of $29,600 for site grading <br />and J. C. Johnson at $18,330 for sewer outfall for the new Animal Control <br />facility (copy attached) <br />• Bid from Cavalier Equipment Corp. in the amount of $83,469.55 for a <br />Knuckleboom loader for the Solid Waste Division (copy attached) <br />Schedule of public hearing on June 16, 2003 for the Solid Waste <br />Management Plan <br />• Payoff of the Sanford-Lee County Rescue Squad bank note contingent <br />upon submission of an inventory list and signed agreement with the <br />county <br />• Resolution of appreciation for Lin Thomas (copy attached) <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Lemmond read and presented a resolution of appreciation to Lin <br />Thomas for thirty years of service as Juvenile Court Counselor and Chief Court <br />Counselor. <br />Chairman Hincks gave the board an update on the proposed MIS Department <br />consolidation with the City of Sanford. He told the board that the sub-committee <br />recommended that the two departments not be merged a this time. No action was taken <br />on the matter. <br />Tax Administrator Roger Kelley discussed with the board four late list penalties <br />from IBM Credit LLC, Saiden Technologies, Sanford Nautilus and Racquetball, and <br />Charles R. Underwood, Inc. His recommendation to the board was to forgive IBM <br />Credit, not forgive Saiden Technologies, not forgive Sanford Nautilus, and to forgive <br />Charles Underwood, Inc. Commissioner Adams moved to accept the recommendations <br />of Mr. Kelley for these four late listings. After some discussion, Commissioner <br />Matthews moved to amend the motion to forgive Saiden Technologies. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Lemmond, Matthews and Reives <br />Nay: Adams, Hincks, Paschal and Stevens <br />The Chairman ruled the motion failed by a four to three vote. <br />2 <br />