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0 0 <br />Soo 1.9 racF ti77 <br />individual with thirteen (13) years of experience at Grade 77/Step 14. The starting salary <br />for this position would be $65,557. After some discussion, Chairman Hincks moved to <br />approve the hiring of a Physician Extender for the Jail HealthBCCCP position at Grade <br />77/Step 14. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The board heard a presentation from Loreleia Costa concerning the Triangle Land <br />Conservancy, which is a non-profit organization that has been in existence since 1983. <br />Ms. Costa told the board that currently her organization is protecting 45 acres of land in <br />Lee County. No action was taken. <br />The board considered recommendations from the Planning Board. Planner Althea <br />.Thompson outlined the proposed amendment to the Lee County Zoning Ordinance for <br />building yard setback reputations, which would reduce the minimum building setback <br />regulations in all zoning districts. She stated that if this action were taken, all building <br />setback regulations would become nonconforming (grand-fathered) and would not be <br />required to be moved. At such time a structure is replaced, it would then have to meet the <br />minimum building setback requirements of the zoning ordinance. She told the board that <br />the Planning Board did not give a recommendation on this text change. After some <br />discussion, Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, because of confusion among the general public as to both <br />who has the responsibility to determine the set back requirements and the proper <br />method of determining the set back requirements of the zoning ordinance has <br />produced some inadvertent and regrettable situations; and <br />WHEREAS, the Inspection Department and the Planning Department <br />have instituted a new procedure which they feel will eliminate this problem; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wants to adopt a policy which <br />will assure that the public safety and welfare will be protected and that substantial <br />justice will be done. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of <br />Commissioners for Lee County that only when a written complaint is received by <br />the Planning Department from an aggrieved neighbor to a Stucture which the <br />neighbor perceives to be in violation of the set back requirements of the zoning <br />ordinance, then the member of the Community Development Department charged <br />with code enforcement shall investigate the complaint if the alleged violation <br />occurred prior to April 7, 2003, and shall forward a report to the Director of <br />Community Development if the enforcement officer is convinced that the <br />violation could reasonably be subject to a variance and if the Director concurs in <br />4 <br />