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ecDX J.9 ncE 'AA <br />MINUTES FROM THE SPECIAL MEETING <br />OF THE <br />MIS COMMITTEE <br />:kd=:e:r. k:k *:k x:k:k :k : y::R :kk:k:k*#*~***:k:k~::k+:k:k***~***:k*~:k:k*t~*****:k=k********m:*:k*x* <br />MARCH 5, 2003 <br />M***~**A: B=%k :**:k%k*8::k:k**:k*#:k***~::::*~::k:k*:k:k**r#*~:#~:k:k:k:k *:k:k#*#:k*x***##~*#:K Y: ~:=k*~ <br />A special meeting composed of Commissioner Herb Hincks, Commissioner Chad <br />Adams, Mayor Winston Hester, Councilman Phil Dusenbury, County Manager William <br />Cowan, and City Manager Leonard Barefoot was held at 10:00 o'clock a.m., March 5, <br />2003, in the Gordon Wicker Community Conference Room at the Lee County <br />Government Center, 106 Hillerest Drive, Sanford, N.C. Commissioners Amy Stevens <br />and Jerry Lemmond also attended the meeting. <br />Councilmen Dusenbury sewed as Chairman of the Committee and called the <br />meeting to order. <br />Commissioner 1-tincks stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss a <br />possible merger of the city and county tNI1S (Management of Information Services) <br />Departments and possibly save taxpayers money. Mr. Hincks stated that at some future <br />time, the school system and Town of Broadway might be asked to participate in <br />discussion. <br />Mr. Dusenbury stated that currently the city and county have 12-13 joint <br />agreements. <br />The Committee discussed benefits from merging the departments, which included <br />the following: <br />• One individual to handle web service and TV information <br />• Possibly bring the school system in to participate <br />• Save on site software costs <br />• Work together to use the same technology <br />• Possibly save the taxpayers money <br />After some discussion, the Committee agreed on the following items for the next <br />meeting: <br />• Mr. Dusenbury will supply an agenda of items to be discussed <br />• Invite Lesa Price and John Clayton to discuss their individual <br />departments, equipment they have, and what their systems handle <br />• Invite Broadway Town Manager Bob Stevens and let him discuss <br />his system and if the Town of Broadway might like to participate if <br />a merger should take place <br />