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tiV fw~~ ,t;. <br />Y <br />• Request to ratify action taken by the County Manager concerning transfer <br />of public service time from the City of Sanford for the newly hired Fire <br />Marshall <br />• Approval to fill vacant Athletic Supervisor position at Parks and <br />Recreation <br />• Approval to fill Social Worker position in the Family Centered Casework <br />Program in Social Services <br />• Approval to fill Land Records Technician and Tax Assistant II positions in <br />the Tax Office <br />• Approval to amend By-Laws for the Lee County Economic Development <br />Board (per attached copy) <br />• Acceptance of bids for CDBG Scattered Site Project <br />• Proclamation to proclaim February 20, 2005, as Rolary Day in Lee County <br />(per attached copy) <br />• Budget amendment # 01 /26/05/911 (per attached copy) <br />• Acceptance of bid for 2002 CDBG Scattered Site Project <br />• Resolution to appoint Tax Office staff as Plat Review Officers (per <br />attached copy) <br />• Appointment of Animal Cruelty Investigators (per attached copy) <br />• Approval of Medicaid Resolution in support of the State assuming the <br />county share of Medicaid funding (per attached copy) <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Chairman Hincks read a letter commending Clerk to the Board Gaynell Lee on <br />recent IIMC certification received. <br />Capt. James Estes from the Sheriffs Office told the Board that the recently <br />adopted Ordinance pertaining to "No Solicitation in the County" would be sufficient and <br />there would be no need to amend the Ordinance at this time. <br />The Board considered a Lease Agreement between the Tramway Fire Department <br />and United Financial of North Carolina for an expansion to the fire department building. <br />Johnny Whiteside, Tramway Fire Department Board Chairman was present and answered <br />questions from the Board. After some discussion, Commissioner Brown moved to <br />approve a Lease Purchase Agreement between United Financial of North Carolina, Inc. <br />and Tramway Rural Fire Department for a twenty-year loan in the amount of $325,000. <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />