Other projects include an expansion of General Services, Lee County Government Center 2nd Floor
<br />HVAC Renovation, Lee County High Auditorium HVAC Replacement, East Lee Middle School Repair
<br />and Renovations, West Lee Middle School Repairs and Renovations, Southern Lee HS Roof
<br />Replacement, BT Bullock Roof Replacement, Deep River Roof Replacement, Tramway Roof
<br />Replacement, and the OT Sloan Sports Complex. Mr. Silverman recommended holding a public
<br />hearing on the proposed Capital Improvement Plan on June 5th. Commissioner Sharpe moved set a
<br />public hearing for the recommended Capital Improvement Plan for Monday, June 5, 2017. Upon a vote,
<br />the results were as follows:
<br />Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, and Sloan
<br />Nay: None
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously.
<br />County Manager's Recommended Budget for FY 2017-18
<br />County Manager John Crumpton presented the recommended budget for fiscal year 2017-2018.
<br />In accordance with the North Carolina Budget and Fiscal Control Act, the County Manager (Budget
<br />Officer) is required to submit the recommended Budget prior to the Board of Commissioners prior to
<br />June 1" of each year. Commissioner Sharpe moved to set a public hearing for the recommended
<br />budget for FY 2017-18 for Monday, June 5, 2017. Upon a vote, the results were as follows:
<br />Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, and Sloan
<br />Nay: None
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously.
<br />Commissioner Reives requested a work session starting at 5 P.M. on June 51h, prior to the
<br />regular meeting starting at 6 P.M., to discuss renewal of the contract with the Sanford Area Growth
<br />Alliance and other budget related items.
<br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Reives moved to adjourn the
<br />meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows:
<br />Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan
<br />Nay: None.
<br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:51
<br />P.M.
<br />Amy Dalrymple, Chair
<br />Lee County Board of Commissioners
<br />�lGR,1 H CAROLINA, LBB CO!!'� ; '_'
<br />nifer a ble, Clerk to the Board Presented for registration on this $ a:
<br />of -7,,20, i 7 at 3 :SAV �-�i
<br />recorded in Book -2-Y Page _lam
<br />Pamela G, Britt, Register of Deeds
<br />P 212
<br />