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BooK 23 RU 769 <br />3. Cell phone /internet based satellite communications unit from Mobile <br />Satellite Technologies, Chesapeake, VA, at a cost of $8,274.00 <br />• Revisions to the Lee County Personnel Policy (Drug and Alcohol Free <br />Workplace); <br />• Budget Amendment # 11/01/10/06 (copy attached), <br />• Proclamation honoring retiree Samuel Mauldin (copy attached); and <br />• Acceptance of 60 heavy -duty body armor plates valued at $33,000.00 from <br />Patriot Outfitters to the Sheriff's Department <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Chairman Hayes read the proclamation honoring retiree Samuel Mauldin (who was not in <br />attendance) and the proclamation proclaiming November 13, 2010 as "North Carolina Symphony Day' <br />in Lee County. <br />No one signed up to speak during the Public Comments section of the meeting. <br />The Board considered recommendations from the Lee County Planning Board in reference to a <br />public hearing held at the October 18, 2010 regular meeting. Mr. Marshall Downey, Assistant <br />Community Development Director presented recommendations from the Planning Board to approve the <br />following four (4) corrective amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO): <br />• Section and — Sections that are used by staff as they establish <br />rules by which a tenant or property owner must comply with UDO development <br />standards when they are doing an addition /expansion or just a change of use. <br />Section sets forth rules for additions or expansions to existing <br />developments. <br />• Section — Provides language for setbacks on lots that have more than one <br />street frontage. <br />• Section 5.20 — Includes additional design standards that are applied to proposed <br />new sanitary landfills (ingress and egress). <br />• Section 10.7 — Regulates new non - residential development along major <br />thoroughfares and highways. It provides minimum standards for the exterior design <br />and appearance for new buildings. <br />Mr. Marshal stated the amendment relating to an increase in size of cul -de -sacs from 40 to 45 <br />feet was tabled by the Planning Board pending more information from staff, including input from the Fire <br />Marshal's Office. <br />After discussion of the four above proposed amendments, Commissioner Reives moved to table <br />the matter and asked Planning staff to provide samples to go with each amendment and a list of <br />comments received from the public on any of the recommended changes. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />2 <br />