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2010 - 11-01-2010 Regular Meeting
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2010 - 11-01-2010 Regular Meeting
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11/19/2010 3:33:56 PM
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11/19/2010 3:31:59 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 23 PAGE 85 <br />SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION <br />2009 -2010 Clean Water Partners' Infrastructure Program <br />MEMORANDOM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />Legal Name of Applicant / Unit <br />Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1968 <br />City: Sanford <br />Project Title: North Plank Rd . Crisis Need Water Petition <br />Street Address: <br />State: <br />106 Hillcrest Drive <br />NC Zip: 27331 -1968 <br />The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to outline conditions and regulations for a general working relationship between the <br />North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center (Rural Center) and the applicant organization regarding the Rural Center Supplemental <br />Grant Program. The following conditions and regulations apply to all Rural Center Supplemental Projects: <br />Disbursement Policy <br />The Rural Center will disburse up to 90 percent of Supplemental grant funds upon submission of satisfactory evidence other funds have <br />been drawn down by 90 percent and that 100 percent of local funds, if committed, have been expended. Documentation in support of <br />expenses must accompany the Financial Request Fonn. The final 10 percent will be disbursed upon completion of the project and submittal <br />of the final approved product. <br />Project Schedule <br />A timeline has been provided to the Rural Center as part of the application package. This represents the adopted schedule for this project. <br />The grantee understands that the Rural Center will establish the dale for termination of its contract using this information and that time is of <br />the essence. Updates or changes to the project schedule must be provided to the Rural Center as they are adopted by the grantee for use <br />in administering this project. Rural Center reserves the right to reject or ask for further clarification regarding the timeline and its <br />implementation. <br />Contract Time Requirements <br />Rural Center may revoke or revise its approval of funding for the project if work intended is not under contract within nine months after the <br />Rural Center approval date of the project and if a construction contract is not executed within one year of Rural Center approval. The Rural <br />Center approval date will be incorporated in the contract as the Commencement Date. <br />Changes in Project Scope <br />It is clearly understood that a change in the project scope may not be implemented without prior written approval from Rural Center and <br />submission to Rural Center of evidence of other funders approval of the change(s). A change of scope will include any change to the project <br />design, capacity of the system, the number and /or type of customers served, or equipment items purchased. <br />Changes in Project Funding <br />It is further understood that d the grantee receives additional funding for the project after the Rural Center approval, these funds cannot be <br />used to reduce the amount of local funds pledged or to displace other grant funds committed to this project: any such action could result in <br />the reduction of the Rural Center Supplemental grant by the amount of funds added to the project. If new funds are made available to this <br />project, the Rural Center must be notified immediately. Likewise, it is understood that the local share, as pledged to the Rural Center in the <br />original application, will not be diminished in the event of a cost underrun in the completed project. <br />Cooperation with Primary Funder and Rural Center <br />It is understood that the grantee will cooperate with its other funders as identified in the application and will provide information and reports <br />as prescribed by the funder and will adhere to ail applicable regulatory and /or statutory requirements of the Primary Funder and the State of <br />North Carolina particularly as they relate to the procurement of goods and services and in the maintenance of proper accounting records. <br />Reporting Procedure <br />Quarterly progress reports will be submitted to Rural Center as set forth in the terms of the contract document to be executed. The first <br />report will be due 90 days from the date of award. Subsequent quarterly reports will be required until project completion and close of the <br />contract <br />Final Report <br />A final report is required and will be upon upon close of he pro e L This report must be submitted and approved b}' the Rural Center prior to <br />disbursement of final funds. } / ( Q <br />between <br />North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center, Inc. <br />and <br />Lee County County: Lee <br />L1 10/13/2009 <br />NATURE OF CHIEF EL�CTED OFFICIAUAUTHO PRESENTATIVE DATE <br />Richard B. Hayes Chairman <br />TYPED NAME TVPFn TIT[ F <br />
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