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PRE -EVENT CONTRACT FOR DISASTER DEBRIS MANAGEMENT SERVICES <br />THIS CONTRACT entered into this /0 day of June, 2014 by and between Lee County North <br />Carolina, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as the <br />"County"), and TAG Grinding Services, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor". <br />WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to provide for the expedient management of storm debris <br />within the County of Lee and to provide recovery Technical Assistance to the appointed and <br />elected officials resulting from a future natural or manmade disaster; and <br />WHEREAS, the County of Lee has in the past suffered the full force and effects of major storms <br />and the resulting destruction brought upon the County of lee by such storms or events; and <br />WHEREAS, without being able to quickly remove storm debris, the Health and Safety of all the <br />citizens could be at serious risk; and <br />WHEREAS, the immediate economic recovery of the County of Lee and its citizens after a <br />natural or manmade disaster is a major concern and the primary priority for recovery; and <br />WHEREAS, the immediate availability of experienced prime disaster debris management <br />contractors may be severely limited during a natural or manmade disaster; and <br />WHEREAS, the Contractor has the experience, equipment, manpower, general ability, and <br />resources, as well as the necessary permits and licenses to perform all related debris and other <br />sto, m services; and <br />WHEREAS, the County of Lee and the Contractor have agreed to the Scope of Services, pricing <br />schedule, terms, conditions and technical specifications as set out in this competitive Contract; <br />and <br />THEREFORE, said parties do agree to the following stipulations, conditions and technical <br />specifications. <br />ARTICLE 1 <br />TERM OF CONTRACT <br />This Contract shall be for a base period of three (3) years with an option to renew for up to two <br />additional one (1) year periods, upon consent of all parties. This Contract shall only be used on <br />an "as needed" basis as determined solely by the County. Should the term of this Contract <br />expire during an event where work has been commenced, but not completed, the terms and <br />conditions of this Contract shall continue until the completion of all work authorized prior to <br />the expiration of the term. <br />Page 1 <br />