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4-10-17 Interlocal Meeting
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4-10-17 Interlocal Meeting
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6/2/2017 3:06:28 PM
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6/2/2017 3:05:47 PM
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DOT and Central Carolina Community Collect. DOT should be providing more information in response to this <br />meeting in the upcoming week. <br />Roadside Trash Dumping — Commissioner Oldham requested ideas and assistance in enforcing <br />ordinances to prevent illegal dumping. City Manager Hal Hegwer stated that the City utilizes inmates to assist <br />with trash pickup. Last year about 1,400 man hours were spent collecting approximately 16 %2 tons of litter. He <br />further stated that trash problem is enough to keep 3 crews busy 24-7 and that likely still wouldn't be enough. <br />The committee agreed that more focus should be aimed at awareness of enforcement. Further discussion <br />mentioned performing a marketing campaign and looking into how the "Moore County Beautiful" program in <br />Moore County, NC works. <br />Vacant Lots — County Manager Hal Hegwer stated that there is currently 27 City -County owned lots that <br />were typically obtained through tax foreclosure actions. The City has been picking up the trash and is currently <br />spending an estimated amount of $10,000.00 a year to keep these properties mowed and clean. Several <br />suggestions were made regarding the disposal of these properties including selling them using the gov deals <br />website, using them as Habitat homes, or as affordable housing options to help address the issue of <br />homelessness. <br />Discussion on Sanford -Lee County Homelessness Project — City Mayor Chet Mann mentioned several <br />concerns regarding Sanford -Lee County's homeless situation. He stated that there are quite a few <br />unaddressed issues such as a need for designated emergency shelters in the event of a natural disaster. He <br />requested the Commissioners help in recruiting people to serve on a task force. They are requesting <br />applications and plan to form a task force of approximately 15 people that can bring a variety of talents to the <br />table. The plan is to reach out to churches and the business community to help resolve this issue. There is now <br />an overall plan to solve this issue by creating a list of resources that can be referred to when someone <br />encounters a homelessness situation. The goal is to have the task force together by May 1, 2017. <br />Creation and Set Up of the Lee County Transportation Committee — The committee is to be comprised <br />of representatives from several select organizations including the Lee County Board of Commissioners, <br />Sanford City Council, Sanford Area Growth Alliance, Town of Broadway, and the Airport Authority to address <br />local transportation concerns. Planning Director Marshall Downey stated that the Comprehensive <br />Transportation plan is due to be updated. The biggest problem is with staffing at DOT, so the timing of the new <br />plan is uncertain. The last plan was created in 2006 and adopted in 2011. An update on STIP projects provided <br />at the meeting is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />Pet License Program — Lee County Health Director Heath Cain provided an update on pet adoption. <br />The Board of Health has considered and decided against imposing a pet licensure fee. Cain stated that Lee <br />County currently has a pet adoption rate of 71 % for 2016-2017. The animal shelter is staffed by three people <br />that regularly contact rescues to help place animals. They are fulfilling all the necessary requirements to get <br />animals adopted once they are in their care. While Lee County does not impose a fee to adopt, they do require <br />prospective adopters to fill out a form detailing veterinary information and must prepay for certain veterinarian <br />services prior to completing the adoption process. Information on adoption rates by county in 2016, Animal <br />Control statistics, and pet licensing jurisdiction comparison information provided at the meeting are attached to <br />these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />The meeting ad',rrtgd at 12:47 p.m. <br />Amy M. Dalrymple, Chair <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />
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