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4-10-17 Interlocal Meeting
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4-10-17 Interlocal Meeting
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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />JOINT MEETING OF THE <br />INTERLOCAL SUB -COMMITTEE <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, CITY OF SANFORD <br />AND <br />TOWN OF BROADWAY <br />APRIL 10, 2017 <br />The Joint Interlocal Sub -Committee appointed to study Interlocal Agreements and other items of <br />interest between the County of Lee, City of Sanford, and Town of Broadway, met at 11:00 a.m. in the Gordon <br />Wicker Room, Lee County Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. <br />Commissioner appointed members present were Timothy S. Sloan and Larry "Doc" Oldham. County staff in <br />attendance included County Manager John Crumpton, Finance Director Lisa Minter, County Attorney Whitney <br />Parrish, Clerk to the Board Jennifer Gamble, and Management Intern Michael Silverman. <br />Commissioner Sloan called the Joint Sub -Committee meeting to order and the following items were <br />discussed: <br />Kiwanis Family Park Project — Lee County approved the transfer of land at Kiwanis Family Park to the <br />City of Sanford at their April 31 Board of Commissioner Meeting. City of Sanford Public Works Director Victor <br />Czar provided an update on the project. He stated that the City has engaged in the services of an architect to <br />begin the project. The next step in the process involves submitting an application for a Parks and Recreation <br />Trust Fund (PARTF) grant. Since the application is due by May 1St, the City is requesting the County join in to <br />submit a joint application since the transfer of the land is still underway. Upon recommendation of their <br />consultant from Alfred Benesch and Company, the City proposes to request $350,000 of funding in the PARTF <br />application. County Manager John Crumpton stated that the County will need to execute a resolution to <br />authorize the Chair to sign the documentation necessary to move forward with a joint PARTF application. This <br />will be on the April 17, 2017 Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda. Victor Czar stated that he hopes to <br />have bid prices for construction by the end of the year with construction planned to start in the spring of 2018. <br />Colon Road Water Lines — The County has hired McGill Associates to perform a survey to make sure <br />there is interest in hooking on to City water and that those who are interest are willing to pay for it. The survey <br />is aimed at residents residing within a 1,000 ft diameter of the coal ash facility. <br />Kelly Drive — Commissioner Sloan and Commissioner Oldham represent the County on the newly <br />formed Lee County Transportation Committee. Commissioner Sloan requested proposals for road <br />improvement projects to present at the next Transportation Committee Meeting. Town of Broadway Mayor <br />Andrews noted that Kelly Drive typically hasn't scored well in the State Transportation Plan. Planning Director <br />Marshall Downey stated that even though the Department of Transportation is looking at projects on the <br />current plan, they are considering projects for their next plan. As of right now, the plan is to make the <br />Pendergrass road intersection a grade separation (bridge/overpass) project or changing it to a superstreet. City <br />of Sanford Mayor Mann stated that alternatives have been proposed that might lead to compromise. Downey <br />presented a list of projects the State currently has in draft and stated that there is also a spreadsheet with a list <br />of projects being considered by the Transportation Committee to narrow down to something the Committee <br />could recommend to TARPO. County Manager John Crumpton stated that the County has had a meeting with <br />
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