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4-17-2017 <br />BOC Meeting <br />Commissioner Oldham moved to approve the Consent Agenda, which consisted of <br />the following items: <br />■ Minutes from the April 3, 2017 Regular Meeting <br />■ Minutes from the April 3, 2017 Closed Session Meeting <br />■ Tax releases and refunds for March 2017 <br />Upon vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Dodson, Knecht <br />The Chair ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Pursuant to General Statute § 152A-52.1, Chair Dalrymple opened the floor for <br />Public Comments. No one signed up to speak during the Public Comments section of <br />the meeting. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />Request to Appear <br />Jeff Cashion and Lynn Dahnke with the North Carolina Real Estate Appraisers <br />Association (NCREAA) submitted a request to appear before the Board to provide <br />information and discussion regarding Senate Bill 363. Lynn Dahnke, President of the <br />NCREAA, explained that there were certain misconceptions raised by the bill concerning <br />an appraiser's discretion to execute an appraisal. She provided that all appraisers are <br />ethically governed by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice which <br />provides a code of conduct all appraisers must comply with in executing appraisals. This <br />code also prevents appraisers from providing appraisals on types of properties they are <br />unfamiliar or not competent to provide an appraisal for. Commissioner Dalrymple raised <br />concerns regarding the legislation's effect on counties, and how it could allow those <br />individuals who want to challenge their appraisal and can afford it to benefit from a private <br />appraisal. No action was taken. <br />Sale of Surplus Property located on Osgood Road PIN # 9665-16-1354 <br />County Attorney Whitney Parrish requested authorization for the sale of property to <br />Laneice Smith for the purchase of property on Osgood Road, PIN # 9665-16-1354, in Lee <br />County, North Carolina. The County acquired the property by a Sheriffs Deed in 1996. The <br />total amount of fees and taxes owed on the property is $484.53, and the taxable value is <br />$3,700.00. Laneice Smith submitted an offer to purchase the property in the amount of <br />$484.53. She has paid the requisite deposit and advertising costs. Her offer was <br />advertised in The Sanford Herald on March 24, 2017 and no upset bids were received <br />during the upset bid period. Commissioner Reives moved to approve the sale of the <br />property to Laneice Smith, a copy of the Final Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Property <br />Page 215 <br />