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1995 - 08-07-95 Regular Meeting
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1995 - 08-07-95 Regular Meeting
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10/28/2010 2:03:14 PM
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10/28/2010 2:02:39 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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® BOOK 16 wr. 155 ® 105 <br />vote. <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a five to one <br />Commissioner Reives made the following statement. "I am not <br />comfortable with what we're doing because I don't know it like you <br />(Kenny Cole) know it. Perhaps if you do some report that tells me <br />where we are now in the project . . . because I think the point you <br />are making is the one that will raise the most questions. The people <br />in this area will be asking questions because they are asking for <br />water." He asked Public Works Director Kenny Cole for (1) the names <br />of the members serving on the nine-member committee appointed last <br />fall, (2) copies of minutes of all meetings showing how they came up <br />with the roads listed as growth corridors in Phase I, (3) how we are <br />going to address residents living on the edge of Lemon Springs Road <br />that will not be getting water and (4) a map of the designated area <br />listed as growth corridors for Phase I. <br />The Board considered a water purchase contract with the City of <br />Sanford. County Manager William Cowan went over the contract with <br />the Board and answered questions. After some discussion Commissioner <br />Reives moved to approve the water purchase contract with the City of <br />Sanford to purchase in such quantity as may be required by the <br />purchaser not to exceed 60 million gallons of water per month. <br />Commissioner Cox seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Garner, Matthews, Moretz and Reives <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a resolution approving the filing of an <br />application with the local government commission for general <br />obligation bonds consisting of $9,300,000.00 in water bonds. <br />Commissioner Dossenbach moved to approve the following resolution: <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH <br />THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION, AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION <br />OF A NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE APPLICATION AND FINDING A <br />NEED FOR A PROJECT TO BE FINANCED BY THE ISSUANCE BY THE <br />LEE COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1, NORTH <br />CAROLINA, FOR GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS CONSISTING OF <br />$9,300,000.00 IN WATER BONDS <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lee, <br />sitting as the governing body of the Lee County Water and Sewer <br />District No. 1, North Carolina, has reviewed in detail the proposed <br />project to be financed with general obligation bonds of the Lee <br />County Water and Sewer District No. 1, the need for such project, <br />facts showing that the amount of proposed bonds is adequate but not <br />excessive for said purpose, matters relating to the debt management <br />2 <br />
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