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Agenda Package - 07-19-10
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Agenda Package - 07-19-10
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Last modified
10/28/2010 9:56:34 AM
Creation date
10/28/2010 9:49:59 AM
Document Type
Board of Commissioners
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RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING BOARD 050 <br />FOR A CHANGE TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF LEE COUNTY <br />APPLICATION 2010-0601 <br />The Planning Board by a unanimous vote recommend the Board of Commissioners approve Application <br />2010-0601 submitted by E. Stephen, Triassic LLC, Linda B. Wicker, Jimmie L. Thomas and Hobert & <br />Sandra Wicker to rezone from Residential Agricultural district 60.359-acres of land to General <br />Commercial (C-2) and 431.124-acres of land to Light Industrial (LI) district. <br />LAND USE INFORMATION PRESENTED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING: <br />Site and Area Description: The tracts are located north to northeast of Colon Road, east of Deep River <br />Road, south of Zion Church Road, west of US Highway 1 and east of US Highway 1. Combined, the <br />tracts have over 2,400 feet of road frontage on Colon Road. The subject tracts include three single-family <br />homes and out buildings located at 4416, 4564 and 4616 Colon Road. The remainder of the subject tracts <br />is vacant. At present, the tracts appears to be wooded to lightly wooded with several farm fields. A 100' <br />power line easement to Progress Energy runs through the northern portion of the tracts. <br />Existing Zoning and Land Uses: The subject tracts are surrounded by Residential Agricultural zoned <br />properties. Opposite the subject tracts and south of Colon Road is 69t acres of undeveloped land zoned <br />Highway Commercial. Land uses in the area are residential and agricultural uses consisting of low- <br />density single family dwellings, farmland, and woodlands. The majority of residential homes are located <br />east of Deep River Road and south of Zion Church Road. <br />Staff Analysis: The applicants are requesting to rezone 431.124-acres to Light Industrial (LI) and <br />60.359-acres to General Commercial (C-2). This will permit a variety of light industrial and commercial <br />uses on the subject lands. The existing residential homes on the site will become legal non-conforming. <br />The existing land use pattern in the vicinity of the subject property is mostly residential. Future land uses <br />in this area will consist of commercial and industrial uses due to the expansion of the Lee County <br />Industrial Park north to Colon Road. A driveway entrance onto Colon Road has already been installed in <br />anticipation of the expansion. The entrance is through a vacant 64.5-acre tract that was zoned Highway <br />Commercial in November 2001. The existing land use pattern is expected to change as development <br />occurs within the expansion area of the Industrial Park and on other non-residential zoned properties. <br />The current "RA" district is intended for very low-density residential and agricultural uses. The <br />dimensional standards include a minimum lot size of 40,000 square feet and building setbacks of 30' front <br />yard, 30' rear yard and 15' side yards. Land uses in this district are primarily agrarian and rural. <br />The "C-2" district is established to provide areas for general commercial activities designed to serve the <br />community such as shopping centers, repair shops, wholesale businesses, and retail sales with limited <br />outdoor display of goods and limited outdoor operations. "C-2" zones should be located on or within <br />proximity to major thoroughfares. Dimensional standards for lots in the C-2 zone includes a minimum lot <br />width of 50 feet, a minimum lot depth of 100 feet , 0 side and rear yard setbacks and no maximum <br />building height. (A list of uses permitted in the C2 district is included in the agenda package for your <br />reference) <br />The "LI" district is established to provide for areas that contain a mix of light manufacturing uses, office <br />park and limited retail and service uses that service the industrial uses in an attractive business park <br />setting with proper screening and buffering, all compatible with adjoining uses. LI districts should <br />include areas which continue the orderly development and concentration of light industrial uses. LI zones <br />should have direct access to or be within proximity to a major or minor thoroughfare. The minimum <br />dimensional standards of the Ll district includes a lot width of 80 feet, a front yard setback of 30 feet, 0 <br />
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