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444 <br />F. If an employee refuses to participate in the Transitional Duty Program, the Risk <br />Management Specialist will follow up with the employee to determine his/her <br />reasons for not participating. After determining the reasons, the WC Insurance <br />Carrier may be notified of the employee's refusal to participate and Worker's <br />Compensation benefits may be terminated. <br />G. County insurance benefits will continue during the period the employee is <br />involved in the Transitional Duty Program and on active pay status. <br />3.2 Departmental Provisions <br />A. The duration of each Transitional Duty Program assignment is based on medical <br />needs. Continuation of individual programs will require on-going documentation <br />of medical necessity. All participants will have their case reviewed by Risk <br />Management on an as needed basis. If a physical/occupational therapist is <br />involved, the case will be reviewed weekly. <br />B. All Transitional Duty Program assignments will have a maximum duration of <br />ninety (90) calendar days. The program period will begin with the date of release <br />to limited or restricted work established by the authorized medical provider and <br />will end upon the removal of the restrictions or at the end of the ninety (90) day <br />. calendar period, whichever occurs first unless extended. <br />C. An employee who misuses this benefit by not following specified procedures, <br />falsifying records, or the like, is subject to discipline, up to and including <br />discharge from the Transitional Duty Program and may be subject to further <br />disciplinary action in accordance with the County Personnel Policy. <br />D. Exit Closure Criteria: The Transitional Duty Program may be closed if the <br />employee no longer meets the necessary requirements (medical instability, lack <br />of progress, etc). The Transitional Duty Program may also be closed if employer <br />is no longer able meet accommodations. The Transitional Duty assignment may <br />be extended beyond ninety calendar days depending upon the circumstances of <br />individual cases as determined by risk management. <br />E. Extensions beyond the ninety (90) calendar day timeframe will be handled on an <br />individual basis. Extensions will be given based upon medical necessity, <br />released by the medical provider, and eligibility determined by risk management. <br />4.0 APPENDIX / APPENDICES <br />None. <br />• <br />J-0 Transitional Duty Policy 5 <br />