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043 <br />2. The injured employee must comply with all doctors' orders and medical <br />advice with regard to the injury or illness including, but not limited to, adhering <br />to any restrictions that doctor has imposed, taking medication as prescribed, <br />actively participating in physical therapy or any other treatment modality <br />ordered by the doctor and actively participating in their own recovery. <br />Adverse reactions to treatment or medication should be reported to the doctor <br />immediately. <br />3. The injured employee must follow all doctor's orders and/or restrictions during <br />the recovery period, both at home and at work. <br />4. The employee must attend all follow-up doctor visits and/or rehabilitation <br />visits on time and provide any additional information the doctor or specialist <br />may have requested (x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, etc.). Missing a doctor <br />appointment or failure to provide the information the doctor needs can <br />jeopardize the employee's recovery as well as their workers compensation <br />claim. If the employee cannot make a doctor's appointment, the employee is <br />required to notify the medical care provider and risk management prior to <br />missing the appointment. <br />5. The injured employee shall advise their supervisor of any follow-up medical <br />. appointments that require him/her to be out of the office and to provide the <br />supervisor with the medical progress report or doctor's note immediately upon <br />return to work. <br />6. Employee must provide their supervisors and risk management with <br />documentation from the treating physician releasing them to return to work <br />and noting any work restrictions. <br />7. Risk management and the employee's supervisor will utilize transitional or <br />modified work assignments to accommodate the employees work <br />assignment. <br />8. The employee shall report to and fulfill the transitional work assignment. <br />9. The employee shall cooperate and actively participate in the County's <br />Transitional Duty Program, reporting to work on time and completing the work <br />assigned in a timely manner. <br />10. An employee who refuses to comply with the Transitional Duty Policy may <br />jeopardize his/her rights to further benefits. <br />• E. The employee will be paid at his/her normal rate of pay for the hours worked <br />while participating in the Transitional Duty Program. <br />J-0 Transitional Duty Policy 4 <br />