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4-3-17 Regular Meeting
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4-3-17 Regular Meeting
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Consolidated Agreement FYI <br />Page 18 of 33 <br />4. Assure that the service provider includes a copy of the county's monthly program activity and <br />service level data to the Department's Health Director on a monthly basis. <br />5. Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the entire care and case management system <br />including: <br />a. A description of services for both the Medicaid and non -Medicaid children and Medicaid women <br />(and also non -Medicaid women, if appropriate). Include a statement of how the county will <br />address Agreement Addendum (AA) deliverables for the OBCM and CC4C programs and <br />provide oversight through Executive Leadership to assure that AA deliverables are met for both <br />programs. The Agreement Addenda for Activity 101 Maternal Health and Activity 318 Care <br />Coordination for Children programs will be revised to reference this effort as a one-year pilot; <br />b. A statement on how the county service system components interact; <br />c. The staffing plan; <br />d. Outreach strategies; <br />e. A description of the client triage model for early childhood and maternal health programs and <br />services for the county; <br />f. A description of the referral system both to and from the care management systems. Develop <br />criteria for referral of all first-time mothers to the women's and children's home visiting <br />programs. Those not eligible for the women's and children's home visiting programs or for those <br />who decline the services will be referred to OBCM. The plan should include a process to follow- <br />up on referrals to assure they were successfully completed and the referral outcomes; <br />g. Follow-up strategies; <br />h. Accountability and monitoring plans that cover Department responsibility for all of the Title V <br />components including non -Medicaid care management services and school nurses; <br />i. A description detailing the overall goals and strategies of the Department's plan to develop a <br />unique continuum of care for these populations. This should include school nurses, case <br />management for the non -Medicaid eligible children, Nurse -Family Partnership, and other <br />pertinent women's and children's services in the county; <br />j. A statement on how the Department will maintain a clear audit trail for the various components <br />of the system. <br />6. Describe the program monitoring process including the procedure for corrective action plans in the <br />event they are warranted. The program monitoring process should also include analysis of county <br />program activity reports and outcomes indicative of clients' successes based on the program <br />evaluation criteria. <br />7. Provide a statement on how the Department will coordinate and transition clients in collaboration <br />with school nurses as an extension of OBCM/CC4C/CCNC (Community Care of North Carolina) <br />care coordination in the school setting. If so, include information about the involvement of school <br />nurse consultants in the planning process, prior to implementing the case management system in the <br />county schools. <br />8. Ensure that the service provider's CC4C coordinators complete the Life Skills Progression (LSP) <br />assessment and focus on children with toxic stress. A strong concern is that the typical medical <br />model of CCNC care management is very different than the medical and socioeconomic model used <br />in public health. One of the values of the CC4C model is the additional focus on prevention and <br />health promotion. The LSP is a tool that allows CC4C to assess, intervene and track progress of a <br />
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