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Consolidated Agreement FYI <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />Page 17 of 33 <br />A. Discontinuance of the OBCM or CC4C Program <br />The Division of Public Health (DPH) is responsible for assuring the Statewide provision of Obstetric <br />Care Management (OBCM) and Care Coordination for Children (CC4C) services. DPH considers this a <br />core public health service and prefers that each local health department continues to provide it. Every <br />resource including technical assistance from the regional consultants and Women's and Children's <br />Health (WCH) Section should be used to resolve issues to prevent discontinuation of services. <br />In the event that the Department decides it can no longer fulfill this obligation, the Department shall: <br />1. Notify the DPH Deputy Director in writing of the Department's intention to discontinue the service <br />90 days in advance of any planned action. <br />2. Cooperate with the DPH Deputy Director's office in developing a joint plan for transition that will <br />include the appropriate local partners. <br />3. Prepare a joint letter co-signed by the DPH Deputy Director and the Department's Health Director <br />outlining the agreed upon terms for the transition. <br />4. Submit an Assurance Plan as outlined in Section B to the DPH Deputy Director's Office that <br />includes a copy of any proposed subcontracts. This plan must be approved by the DPH prior to,. <br />execution of the pilot model period. <br />5. Upon approval of the pilot model, the Department shall submit monthly reports to DPH that includes <br />program activity updates and service data. Reports shall reflect reporting requirements in network <br />contracts for the Medicaid population and in Agreement Addenda for the non -Medicaid population, <br />including the monthly status reports from the service provider. <br />6. Notify DPH 90 days before the scheduled end of the pilot period regarding the Department's desire <br />to continue the program past the pilot phase. DPH will review the progress of the pilot and determine <br />whether it is the in best interest of the DPH to renew the pilot and report back to the Department <br />30 days before the scheduled end of the pilot period. <br />Discontinuation of OBCM or CC4C without an approved transition plan may result in the withholding <br />of all funds from the Department at the discretion of the DPH Deputy Director. <br />B. Assurance Plan Requirements for OBCM or CC4C <br />If the approved transition results in the Department moving to an assurance model for OBCM, CC4C or <br />both to another service provider for a pilot period of up to one year, the Department shall: <br />1. Monitor and evaluate the service provider quarterly based on the agreements outlined in the <br />transition plan assurances model. <br />2. Provide monthly status reports on the implementation of the pilot model inclusive of all components <br />of this Section B: Assurance Plan Requirements for OBCM or CC4C, with both Medicaid and non - <br />Medicaid clients in the report. These reports are to be delivered to the OBCM and CC4C regional <br />consultants and the respective program managers. <br />3. Conduct quarterly meetings with Executive Level County Health Department and Network <br />representatives to review OBCM and CC4C services. Provide meeting dates, agendas, and names of <br />the meeting attendees to the OBCM and CC4C regional consultants. <br />