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Consolidated Agreement FY 18 <br />Page 2 of 33 <br />8. The Department shall provide to the State a copy of any rules adopted or rescinded by the Local <br />Board of Health pursuant to G.S. 130A-39 and Public Health Ordinances adopted by the County <br />Commissioners, within 30 days of adoption or recision. These rules and ordinances are to be sent to <br />the Local Technical Assistance and Training Branch (LTAT). <br />9. The Department shall have policies related to conflict of interest, and policies and procedures for <br />Human Subjects Clearance. Each staff member shall receive a copy of these policies. <br />10. The Department shall provide to the Local Technical Assistance and Training (LTAT) Branch Head <br />or designee: <br />a. A comprehensive community health assessment (CHA), prepared at least once every four years <br />and provided by the first Monday of March, for each county or health district. The CHA should <br />be a collaborative effort with local partners such as hospitals, community partners, and the local <br />Healthy Carolinians Partnership (if such exists), and shall include collection of primary data at <br />the county or district level, and secondary data from the State Center for Health Statistics and <br />other sources. The CHA shall include a list of community health problems based on the <br />assessment and an analysis of the data. Each identified problem shall be prioritized and described <br />in the narrative. The CHA will include data analysis of those indicators listed in the <br />Accreditation Self -Assessment Inventory, Benchmark 1, Activity 1.1. <br />b. An action plan, due no later than the first Monday in September following the completion of the <br />comprehensive community health assessment (CHA) in March. The action plan incorporates <br />three community health problems identified in the CHA process as three priorities. An action <br />plan is written for each priority. <br />1) Two of the three priorities must be from the 13 Healthy North Carolina 2020 (HNC 2020) <br />focus areas. Each of the two priorities from the 13 HCNC 2020 focus areas must implement <br />two new evidence -based strategies (EBS) each time they are identified as one of the three <br />priorities. If the Department desires to continue implementing an EBS associated with the <br />previous CHA cycle, the Department must show evidence that it is expanding the target <br />population and must request an exception. Requests for exceptions shall be made to the <br />LTAT Branch Head or designee. All EBS shall include a plan for staffing, training, <br />implementation, monitoring and evaluation. <br />2) The third priority requires an action plan but the intervention or interventions are not required <br />to be evidence -based. Only one intervention is required. <br />c. A state of the county or district health report (SOTCH) for each of the interim years between <br />community assessments. The SOTCH is due by the first Monday of March in years when the <br />CHA is not provided. <br />d. Refer to CHA tools at hM:// <br />11. The Department shall provide formal training for its Board of Health (BOH). The LTAT Branch <br />shall notify the Department no later than April 30 of the name of the contractor who can provide this <br />training during the upcoming fiscal year. First priority should be given to training newly appointed <br />members with the ultimate goal of having all BOH members trained as time and resources allow. <br />Continuing education updates on topics of special interest are strongly encouraged after general <br />board member orientation has been provided for all BOH Members. <br />12. The Department shall provide Network and Internet access at its facilities (or to the county network <br />where desired) at a minimum speed of a full T 1 line in order to: <br />