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Mr. John Cnunpton <br />March 24, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br />2. Work with the County's attorney to develop a standard set of documents that will be <br />presented to each homeowner that will either confirm or deny their desire and intent to <br />connect. Our objective will be to obtain signatures from each property owner but as with <br />any effort of this nature, it may not be possible to obtain all signatures and there may be a <br />need to transition some back to the County for final disposition. The documentation will <br />also include the City's existing water rate structure, and clear communication that <br />connecting to the system will result in a monthly water bill. Furthermore, the <br />documentation will note that land disturbance on private property will be necessary to <br />connect each residence to the distribution system. <br />3. Submit the final listing of residences to be connected to Lee County and the City of Sanford <br />for review and approval. Upon the County's review and written concurrence with the list, <br />proceed with the Surveying, Engineering Design, and Permitting phase. <br />Surveying, Engineering Design, and Permitting <br />1. Meet with representatives from Lee County and the City of Sanford to initiate <br />communications, define schedules, discuss approvals, gather initial data and information, <br />and to fully determine the technical requirements for the project. <br />2. Conduct initial field investigations and route evaluations, and consult with the County <br />and the City to recommend and finalize the preferred water main extension locations. <br />3. Perform all topographical surveying of the selected water main routes. Collect all <br />relevant data necessary to design the project including: existing infrastructure, trees, <br />landscaping, above- and below -ground structures, property cowers and right-of-way <br />irons, and topography. Verify the location of existing NCDOT right -0f --way limits. <br />Please note that McGill intends to survey routes for proposed water main extensions only, <br />and does not intend to provide topographical survey data for service lateral extensions. <br />4. Using the survey information, prepare detailed engineering design plans and technical <br />specifications for the proposed water mains and related appurtenances in accordance with <br />City of Sanford water distribution system standards. <br />Submit preliminary project plans and specifications to Lee County and the City of <br />Sanford for review. Meet with City and County staff to discuss the plans and <br />specifications as necessary, and make applicable changes as requested. <br />6. Prepare and submit permit applications to all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over <br />the project, including but not limited to the NCDEQ Public Water Supply Section and <br />NCDOT. Permit application fees are not included in McGill's fee and shall be paid <br />directly by the Owner. <br />