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McGill <br />A S S O C I A T E S <br />ENGINEERING • PLANNING • FINANCE. <br />March 24, 2017 <br />Mr. John Crumpton, Manager <br />Lee County <br />408 Summit Drive <br />Sanford, North Carolina 27331 <br />RE: Proposal for Professional Services <br />Colon Area Water Lines Extension <br />Lee County, North Carolina <br />Dear Mr. Cnunpton: <br />Pursuant to your request, McGill Associates (McGill) is pleased to provide this proposal <br />to Lee County to provide professional services for the above referenced project. Based on our <br />recent meeting and my follow-up conversation with the County's Environmental Health <br />Department, we understand this project to involve an extension of the City of Sanford's existing <br />water distribution system to serve residences in the Colon -Osgood area that are experiencing <br />elevated levels of hexavalent chromium in their private drinking water wells. <br />As a first step, we understand our services to include contacting all "Priority One" <br />residents (total of 22) listed on the "Affected Private Well Property Owners" spreadsheet and <br />map that were previously e-mailed to me by County staff to confirm which residents are <br />interested in being connected to the City's distribution system. From this process, McGill will <br />generate a final listing of properties to receive service as part of this project for review and <br />approval by the County. <br />Based on our preliminary analysis, water main extensions within North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation (NCDOT) right-of-way appear feasible on several roads within the <br />project area (Amos Bridges Road, Old Colon Road, and a portion of Birchard Road), while <br />extensions along private roads (Tabitha Lane, Hawkinberry Lane, and the end of Birchard Road) <br />will occur on private property. As a result, McGill will work closely with the County's preferred <br />attorney to pursue permanent and temporary easements as necessary prior to construction. <br />Based on our understanding of the project scope, McGill proposes to provide the <br />following Scope of Basic Services: <br />Existing Residence Survey Phase — To Be Performed By Martin McGiA, Inc. <br />1. Develop a strategy for contacting the 22 property owners provided on the County's <br />Affected Private Well Property Owners spreadsheet to confirm their interest in <br />connecting to the City's water system. This strategy will include a combination of <br />mailers, phone calls, and site visits as necessary. It may be necessary to have a County <br />Law Enforcement Representative accompany us door to door in some areas for safety <br />purposes. <br />E n g i n e e r i n g . P l a n n i n g 9 F i n a n c e <br />McGill Associates. P.A. • 3 Regional Cimle. Suited. Pinehrinrl. Noilh Cap»lino 28374 <br />Phare: 910-295-3139 • Fax. 910-295-3647 <br />