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0 0 <br />B30K ,^-.v PAGE 178 <br />regardless of whether it is actually considered by the board, and its introduction shall be <br />recorded in the minutes. <br />Rule 26. Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Ordinances. To be adopted at the <br />meeting where it is first introduced an ordinance or an action with the effect of an <br />ordinance, or any ordinance amending or repealing an existing ordinance (except the <br />budget ordinance, a bond order. or another ordinance requiring a public hearing before <br />adoption) must be approved by all the members of the board of commissioners. If the <br />proposed measure is approved by a majority but not by all the members of the board, or if <br />the measure is not voted on at that meeting, it shall be considered at the next regular <br />meeting of the board. If it then or at any time thereafter within one hundred days of its <br />introduction receives a majority of the votes cast, the measure is adopted. <br />Rule 27. Quorum. A majority of the board membership shall constitute a quorum. <br />The number required for a quorum is not affected by vacancies. If a member has <br />withdrawn from a meeting without being excused by a majority vote of the remaining <br />members, he or she shall be counted as present for the purposes of determining whether a <br />quorum is present. The board may compel the attendance of an absent member by <br />ordering the sheriff to take the member into custody. <br />Rule 28. Public Hearings. Public hearings required by law or deemed advisable by <br />the board shall be organized by a special order, adopted by a majority vote, setting forth <br />the subject, date, place, and time of the hearing as well as any rules regarding the length <br />of time allotted to each speaker and designating representatives to speak for large groups. <br />At the appointed time, the chair shall call the hearing to order and preside over it. When <br />the allotted time expires, the chair shall declare the hearing ended and the board shall <br />resume the regular order of business. <br />Rule 29. Quorum at Public Hearings. A quorum of the board must be present at <br />all public hearings required by law. <br />Rule 30. Minutes. Minutes shall be kept of all board meetings. <br />Rule 31. Appointments. The board shall use the following procedure to make <br />appointments to fill vacancies in the board itself or in other boards and public offices over <br />which the board has power of appointment. <br />The chair shall open the floor to nominations, whereupon the members shall put <br />forward and debate names of possible appointees. When debate ends, the chair shall call <br />the roll of the members and each member shall vote. The votes shall not be tallied until <br />each member has voted. <br />Each vote shall be decided by a majority of the valid ballots cast (a majority is <br />determined by dividing the number of valid ballots cast by two and taking the next <br />highest whole number). It is the duty of each member to vote for as many appointees as <br />