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B OX V PAGE <br />VI. CONDUCT OF DEBATE <br />Rule 12. Powers of the Chair. The chair shall preside at all board meetings. To <br />address the board. a member must be recognized by the chair. The chair shall have the <br />following powers: <br />1. To rule on points of parliamentary procedure, including the right to <br />rule out of order any motion offered for patently obstructive or dilatory <br />purposes; <br />2. To determine whether a speaker has ,,one beyond reasonable standards <br />of courtesy in his or her remarks and to entertain and rule on objections <br />from other members of this ground; <br />3. To call a brief recess at any time; <br />4. To adjourn in an emergency. <br />Rule 13. Presiding Officer When the Chair is Active in Debate. If the chair <br />wishes to debate a proposal actively, he or she shall designate another board member to <br />preside. The chair shall resume the duty to preside as soon as action on the matter is <br />concluded. <br />Rule 14. Action by the Board. The Board shall proceed by motion. Any member, <br />including the chair, may make a motion. <br />Rule 15. One Motion at a Time. A member may make only one motion at a time. <br />Rule 16. Substantive Motion. A substantive motion is out of order while another <br />substantive motion is pending. <br />Rule 17. Adoption by Majority Vote. A motion shall be adopted if approved by a <br />majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise required by these rules of North Carolina <br />laws. <br />Rule 18. Debate. The chair shall state the motion and then open the floor to debate, <br />presiding according to these general principles: <br />1. The member making the motion or introducing the ordinance, <br />resolution, or order may speak first. <br />2. A member who has not spoken on the issue shall be recognized before <br />someone who has already spoken. <br />8 <br />