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uEuX tiv F;.GE <br />j 2 9 <br />• Request from the Sheriffs Office to apply to the Governor's Crime <br />Commission for fiords in the amount of $9,656 to purchase a computer <br />voice stress analyzer <br />• Request to enter into an agreement with The Archer Company in the <br />amount of $23,000 to complete a comprehensive classification and <br />compensation study for Lee County <br />• Agreement between the County of Lee and Taylor Automotive for <br />vehicle maintenance (copy attached) <br />• Request from Social Services to fill a vacant Processing Assistant III <br />position in the Family and Children Services Unit <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Chairman Hincks told Board members that a Water and Sewer District No. I <br />meeting had been advertised for 9:00 a.m.. Wednesday, December 15, 2004, (via <br />telephone) in the County Manager's Office to consider the Interlocal Agreement with the <br />City of Sanford for the purchase of the County Water System, bids for a water line <br />extension to the Northwest Pocket Fire Department, and a revision to the resolution <br />designating time, date and place of regular meetings to include Water and Sewer District <br />No. I meetings. <br />The Board received an update from Rick Hager, Chairman of the Board of <br />Elections. Mr. Hager praised staff from the Board of Election office concerning the <br />November election. He stated that only one minor problem occurred during the <br />November election that involved security codes on vote cards that had not been changed <br />by Micro-Vote personnel. Mr. Hager stated that due to this error, some districts could not <br />use the cards until they were corrected and therefore, the polls stayed open one extra hour <br />to accommodate those districts. Mr. Flager further asked that the Board consider <br />additional office space and parking for Board of Election staff, and one (1) additional full <br />time employee. He also discussed a desire to upgrade to hi-speed printers for tabulation <br />results from each prescient to the Board of Election office which would cost $22,000 <br />each. There are currently fourteen (14) precincts that would benefit from upgrading the <br />printers. Mr. Flager also discussed the possibility of using school facilities on Election <br />Day, with the Board of Election staff discussing this matter with the Board of Education. <br />No action was taken on any of the above matters. <br />The Board considered the purchase of ten (10) new vehicles for the Sheriff's <br />Office. Capt. James Estes told the Board that the following bids had been received: <br />Sanford Ford No Bid <br />Sanford, NC <br />