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UOn My P'GP f cj`J <br />Plug tire @$11.50 <br />Check brakes (remove wheels) @$30.00 No charge if the repair is <br />completed at the same time. <br />Front wheel alignment @$39.95 <br />4 wheel alignment @$49.95 <br />adjust headlights @$20.00 <br />NC inspection @$9.10 for 95 and older <br />NC inspection @$30.00 for 96 and newer <br />AIS - air injection system service/cleaning @$157.63 <br />FIC - fuel injection system cleaning @$157.63 <br />Wiper blades normal markup on parts, no labor <br />After hours 5pm to lam, normal hours lam to 5pm <br />Normal hours, snow chains @$50.00 per hour <br />After hours, snow chains @$75.00 to open shop + $75 per hour <br />After hours, lock out service @$65.00, normal hours @$45.00 <br />After hours, out of gas service @$65.00 + cost of gas, normal hours <br />@$45.00 + cost of gas <br />After hours, jump start service @$65.00, normal hours @$45.00 <br />Tow service in Lee County after hours 65.00, normal hours a $45.00 <br />Tow service outside of Lee County is $55.00, plus $2.00 per mile one way <br />