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;A <br />%X <br />F Gf6 <br />20 <br />PROPOSED REVISION <br />LEE COUNTY <br />RETIRED EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY <br />On April 15, 1996, Lee County Board of Commissioners approved a plan to provide continuing <br />health insurance to certain qualified retirees. <br />In order to qualify for this benefit the following requirements must be met: <br />1. Employee must retire from Lee County service with a benefit from <br />the NC Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System. <br />2. Employee must be age 55 or older and have 20 years of creditable <br />service with the Retirement System, or the employee can be any <br />age with 30 years of creditable service with the Retirement System. <br />3. Employee must have at least 15 years of continuous Lee County <br />employment immediately preceding retirement. <br />4. In the event that an employee sustains an on-the-job injury, as <br />defined by the NC Workers' Compensation Act, which <br />qualifies him/her for disability retirement under the provisions of <br />the NC Local Governmental Employees Retirement System, said <br />employee will be considered as qualifiying for the retiree health <br />coverage as long as he/she has a minimum of 15 years of <br />continuous Lee County service immediately preceding termination <br />of employment. <br />Said employee will be given the retiree health coverage benefit <br />upon application for disability retirement with the understanding <br />that a determination by the Medical Review Board that the <br />employee does not qualify for disability retirement under the <br />provisions of the NC Local Governmental Employees Retirement <br />System will cause the employee's coverage to be terminated immediately. <br />If the above criteria arc met, the retiring employee will be provided with an individual policy until <br />he/she becomes covered by ivledicare. Once the retiree becomes covered by Medicare, the type of <br />retiree benefit offered will depend upon the County's insurance carrier at the time. The retiree will <br />either be offered a Medicare supplement policy or, if iNledicare supplements are not available from <br />the current insurance carrier, the retiree will continue to be provided with an individual policy which <br />will pay secondary to their iNledicare coverage. Ifat any time the County chooses to make available <br />