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ncOn ti~ F1,CE <br />• Approval for the Finance Office to destroy records (copy attached) <br />• Contract between the Community Alert Network and the County of Lee <br />for emergency notification service in the amount of S8,640 (copy <br />attached) <br />• Bid and rehabilitation contract for CDBG project located at 2816 <br />Brookhaven Drive (copy attached) <br />• Approval to fill vacant Maintenance Worker position in the Public Works <br />Department <br />• Resolution to establish credit card account (copy attached) <br />• Authorization for Public Works to receive bids to relocate county owned <br />water tanks <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, I-lineks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reivesjoined the meeting at this time. <br />Senior Services Director Debbie Davidson asked the Board at this time to <br />recognize Lee County's 2004 recipients of the North Carolina Award for Outstanding <br />Volunteer Service. Statewide recognition by Governor Mike Easley for the Lee County <br />winners will be held in Asheboro on September 21, 2004. Volunteer Coordinator Sherry <br />Co.-gins recognized the following individuals: <br />• The Broadway Junk Band (represented by Virginia Cotton, nominated by <br />Doris White) <br />• Kenscy L. Foushee (represented by her mother Nancy POUSheC, nominated <br />by the Enrichment Center) <br />• Bob Smith (nominated by the Senior Games of Lee County) <br />• The Sanford Civitan Club Ramp Committee (represented by Andy <br />Siegner, nominated by Tammy Carter from the Enrichment Center) <br />• Herb Hineks (nominated by Cathy Wicker on behalf of Bragg Street <br />Academy) <br />The Board considered a request trout the Sheriffs Office to hire additional <br />personnel. Capt. James Estes told the Board that General Statute 7A-31 1 was revised in <br />July 2004 (effective September 1, 2004) to increase the fees for service of Civil Process <br />front $5.00 per person/organization to 515.00. He stated that at least fifty percent (50%) <br />of the fees collected pursuant to this subdivision might be used by the county to ensure <br />the timely service of process within the county, which may include the hiring of <br />additional law enforcement personnel upon the recommendation of the sheriff. Mr. Estes <br />stated statistics pertaining to the number of civil papers served since 2001 and staled the <br />3 <br />