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nO Y 0 PnCE 22 <br />it was worth the time. Tax Administrator Kep Kepley told the Board that it is a State <br />requirement that all taxes try to be collected, no matter how long it takes staff to research. <br />He stated that each case is treated the same, no matter how large on small the amount is. <br />Commissioner Paschal moved to approve the following consent agenda items as <br />amended: <br />• Minutes from the July 21, 2004, regular meeting <br />• Approval of closed session minutes from the April 5th, June 7th. June 21st <br />and June 28, 2004, meetings <br />• Approval for the Sheriff's Office to receive a Local Law Enforcement <br />Block Grant in the amount of S3,668 to be used for training and equipment <br />• FY 2004-05 Application for State Aid to Public Libraries (copy attached) <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for July 2004 (copy attached) <br />• Approval to write off delinquent 1993 taxes <br />• Revised proposal from Moseley Architects for additional security services <br />for the entire courthouse complex <br />• Preliminary Plat of Idlcwilde Fanns Subdivision located off Chris Cole <br />Road <br />• Resolution in support of naming nexv Science Building at CCCC campus <br />in honor of retired President Dr. Marvin Joyner (copy attached) <br />• Matters pertaining to the Health Department <br />1. Approval to fill vacant Health Education Specialist position <br />2. Approval to fill half-lime Processing Assisting IV position (front desk) <br />1 Revised clinical fees for the Primary Care Clinic (copy attached) <br />4. Approval to accept approximately $58,625 in bio-terrorism funds <br />5. Proclamation to proclaim September as North Carolina Health.' <br />Carolina Month (copy attached) <br />6. Acceptance of 598,750 from the General Assembly for school health <br />nurses <br />• Approval to fill the following positions at the Hillerest Youth Shelter <br />L Two (2) Residential Child Care Worker positions <br />2. Program Assistant IV position <br />• Approval for Social Services to continue operating as a Standard Work <br />First County <br />• Budget amendment # 08/23/04/92 (copy attached) <br />• Approval to fill Income Maintenance Caseworker II position in the Food <br />Stamp Unit of Social Services <br />• Approval to exempt vacant Child Protective Service (CPS) positions in <br />Social Services from having to have Board of Commissioner approval <br />prior to filling <br />• Resolution designating depositories, establishing accounts, and <br />designating signatories for accounts (copy attached) <br />• Approval to Fill Finance Accounting Specialist II position in the Finance <br />Office <br />2 <br />