<br />THIS EASEMENT made this day of
<br />u of 19 PACE %ID
<br />20, from COUNTY OF LEE a body
<br />both politic and corporate, hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR (whether one or more), to PROGRESS ENERGY
<br />CAROLINAS, INC., a North Carolina public service corporation, hereinafter referred to as PEC;
<br />THAT GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable
<br />consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto PEC, its successors
<br />and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon the land of GRANTOR situated in Jonesboro Township
<br />of said County and State, described as follows: 4.96 acres more or less being the land described in Deed Book 917,
<br />page 862, and recorded in the Lee County Registry, LESS AND EXCEPT any prior out-conveyances, and to construct,
<br />maintain, and operate electric and/or communication facilities thereon consisting of poles, cables, wires, guys, anchors,
<br />underground conduits, enclosures, and other pertinent facilities within an easement area thirty (30) feet wide for the
<br />overhead portion of said facilities and ten (10) feet wide for the underground portion of said facilities together with an area
<br />ten (10) feet wide on all sides of the foundation of any PEC enclosure, with the right to do all things necessary, including,
<br />but not being limited to, the right: (a) to enter said easement area at all times over the adjacent land to inspect, repair,
<br />maintain, and alter said facilities; (b) to keep said easement area cleared of trees, shrubs, undergrowth, buildings,
<br />structures, and obstructions; (c) to trim or cut any tree adjacent to said easement area that may, in the opinion of PEC,
<br />endanger the overhead facilities or hinder the maintenance. operation, and use of the same; and (d) to install, at angle
<br />points of the overhead facilities, guy wires and anchors outside of said easement area. The center line of the facilities
<br />shall be the center line of said easement area.
<br />Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, it is understood and agreed that: (1) the EASEMENT herein granted
<br />is for facilities to be installed at any point where needed on the above-described land, portions of which facilities may be
<br />installed immediately, and other portions installed in the future as the need develops; and (2) said facilities shall be
<br />installed at locations mutually agreeable to the parties hereto.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said rights, privilege, and easement unto PEC, its successors and assigns, forever. IN
<br />WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has caused this EASEMENT to be signed by its duly authorized officials and its official
<br />seal to be hereunto affixed, pursuant to a resolution of its governing body, as of the date first above written.
<br />By:
<br />Herbert A. Hincks ,Chairman,
<br />Board of Commissioners
<br />ATTEST:
<br />Gayne 1 M. Lee Clerk
<br />(Affix Official Seal)
<br />