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014c TGee Tauutg Nuarb of Tommissiuners <br />+".aesnlutian <br />WHEREAS. Albert Leslie Cox, a lifelong resident of Lee County, was bom April 9, 1924, to Leslie Preston <br />Cox and Daisy Kelly Cox, and was the father of two sons, Leslie and Alexander and . <br />WHEREAS, Albert Cox attended Sanford City Schools and N. C. State University, was a World. War It <br />veteran and entered the family-owned construction business after the war with his father where he was employed for <br />more than 45 years; and <br />WHEREAS, his company built many schools, churches, manufacturing facilities, banks, hospitals, and <br />housing in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, along with local buildings such as Sanford City flail, the <br />existing public works building Carolina Trace country club, the Transmatic plant, and several buildings on the Central <br />Carolina Community College campus; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Cox was an active member of the Kiwanis Club of Sanford since 1952, served as President <br />of the local club in 1963, lieutenant governor in 1969, and served as governor of the Carolina District in 1972-73, along <br />with serving as intemational trustee of Kiwanis International from 1978.1982; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Cox served one four-year term as County Commissioner from 1988-1992 serving as <br />Chairman during his first year on the board, and was a member of numerous church, civic and professional <br />memberships; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Cox was an honorable gentleman serving his business, family, church, and community <br />well, and he will be greatly missed by his family and many friends. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners hereby honors the <br />memory of Albert Leslie Cox for a life of outstanding service, contribution and commendable leadership to his <br />i <br />community. <br />Adopted this the 28`h day of June 2004. <br />I <br />Herbert A. I-lincks, Chairman <br />1 <br />