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2004 - 06-21-04 Regular Meeting
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2004 - 06-21-04 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 8:21:44 AM
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2/19/2009 3:43:18 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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GAD f9 F GF <br />Victoria's they currently use. No action was taken on any of the above matters but will be <br />discussed further at the Budget Work Session on June 28th. <br />The Board considered meeting dates for the month of July 2004. After some <br />discussion, the Board agreed to hold one meeting on Wednesday, July 21, 2004, at 9:00 <br />a.m. Public hearings with the Planning Board will be held at 7:00 p.m. <br />Commissioner Matthews questioned who was responsible for removing dead <br />animals from the right of way outside the city limits. County Manager William Cowan <br />told the Board that the Department of Transportation picks up dead animals outside the <br />city limits two days a week. <br />The Board discussed a voting delegate for the upcoming NACo Conference, if <br />one should be required. Commissioner Lemmond moved that Commissioner Chad <br />Adams be appointed as the voting delegate for Lee County. Upon a vote, the results were <br />as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reives discussed a recent Mental Health meeting that had to be <br />postponed because the County Managers from Lee County and Harnett County could not <br />attend. Commissioner Reives that in the future, if the Manger could not attend a meeting, <br />he designate someone to attend in his place. <br />The Board considered a request from the Lee County Partnership For Children <br />(Smart Start). Tom McSwain, Chairman of the Partnership asked that the Board approve <br />the redistribution of $31,834.94 in county funds that were allocated to be used to provide <br />increased health, child care and educational services. The Partnership is requesting that <br />the funds be divided with one third staying with the Partnership and one third each going <br />to two other outside organizations. After some discussion, Commissioner Lemmond <br />moved to approve the redistribution of $31,834.94 in county funds to the Lee County <br />Partnership for Children. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal. Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered appointments to various Boards and Commissions. The <br />following individuals were nominated by various Commissioners and approved to serve <br />for the terns shown: <br />4 <br />
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