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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />February 15, 2017 <br />To: North Carolina Senator Richard Burr <br />North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis <br />North Carolina Representative Mark Walker <br />From: Dr. Diane Schaller, DVM <br />Chair, Lee County Board of Health <br />106 Hillcrest Drive <br />Sanford, NC 27331 <br />RE: Affordable Care Act Funding <br />In recent years, federal funds which traditionally were utilized to fund state and local public health programs <br />have been moved into the Affordable Care Act (ACA) under the heading Prevention and Public Health Funds. <br />Prevention funding which was originally proposed as part of the ACA was either never allocated for that <br />purpose or was only available for a short time and then eliminated. In an attempt to bolster prevention <br />activities under the ACA, approximately $931 million dollars of traditional public health funding which <br />existed before the ACA was enacted and moved into the ACA. These funds which had nothing to do with the <br />enactment of the ACA have historically been and are still used to fund existing local public health prevention <br />initiatives nationwide. Some of these initiatives in Lee County include Healthy Communities, Immunization <br />Action Plans, and HIV/STD services. Of these federal funds, Lee County receives approximately $44,121 <br />annually. <br />As the local Board of Health, our primary concern is the health and well-being of our citizenry. If the <br />Prevention and Public Health funds within the ACA are eliminated without considering the impact it will have <br />on these important public health initiatives, the overall health of Lee County will suffer. Local public health <br />services will be negatively impacted by the elimination of these critical infrastructure funds. In light of recent <br />national and international concern around communicable disease outbreaks, it is imperative to continue and <br />even increase funding of local public health programs focused on protecting the public's health, improving <br />quality and reducing the cost of healthcare. <br />Please consider when proposing changes to the ACA the potential negative impact that any elimination or <br />reduction in funding will have on Lee County's public health effort to promote, protect and enhance the health <br />and well-being of all Lee County residents. <br />If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. <br />Sincerely, <br />Dr. Diane Schaller, DVM <br />Chair, Lee County Board of Health <br />Lee County Public Health <br />P.O. Box 1528 - Sanford, NC 27331-1528 <br />Phone 919-718-4640 - Fax 919-718-4632 <br />Promoting better health and a safe environment for all Lee County residents <br />